Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 05/16/18 <br /> Date Revised: 05/30/18 <br /> <br /> BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions <br />(Individuals with a * by their name are the lead facilitators for the group of individuals responsible for an item) <br />Meeting <br />Date <br />Task Target <br />Date <br />Person(s) <br />Responsible <br />Status <br />5/15/18 Review and consider request that the Board receive an <br />update on the efforts and status of progress on the <br />Mountains to Sea Trail <br />6/5/2018 David Stancil DONE <br />Update to be provided to the <br />Board and 5/15/18 meeting <br />public speakers <br />5/15/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that <br />the Board support a resolution on a proposed state bond <br />referendum for schools and encourage both local chambers <br />of commerce to also support the referendum <br />6/19/2018 John Roberts County Attorney to consult with <br />Legislative Delegation on status <br />of potential bond referendum <br />5/15/18 Review and consider request by Commissioners Marcoplos <br />and Rich to ask the Food Council to review the issue of kids <br />out of school going hungry and ways to address this <br />9/30/2018 Vice Chair Rich Commissioner Rich to present to <br />Food Council <br />5/15/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Rich that the <br />County pursue discussions with Chatham County about <br />shared transportation interests and people coming from <br />Chatham into Orange (specifically Chapel Hill) <br />10/1/2018 Theo Letman Orange County Public Transit <br />staff to consult with Chatham <br />County staff <br />5/15/18 Follow-up on requests from Board members regarding the <br />Human Relations Commission planning and hosting an <br />additional “community conversation” in hopes of providing <br />more opportunities for actual discussion and less stating <br />opinions <br />7/1/2018 Annette Moore Additional community <br />conversation event to be pursued <br />5/15/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner McKee that <br />staff develop an agenda item for fall 2018 that addresses <br />impervious surface limits on small properties <br />11/1/2018 Craig Benedict <br />Michael Harvey <br />Report to be provided <br />