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<br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />• The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an international coalition of local and regional <br />authorities with a shared long-term vision of promoting and supporting voluntary action to combat climate <br />change and move to a low-carbon society, based on the following core principles: <br />o Local Governments are Key Contributors: The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy works to <br />organize and mobilize local, regional and state governments to be active contributors to a global climate <br />solution. <br />o City Networks as Critical Partners: Local and global city networks are core partners, serving as the <br />primary support for participating cities or regions. <br />o A Robust Solution Agenda: Focusing on those sectors where cities have the greatest impact, the Global <br />Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy supports ambitious, locally relevant solutions, captured <br />through strategic action plans that are registered, implemented and monitored and publicly available. <br />o Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fostering Local Climate Resilience: The Global Covenant of <br />Mayors for Climate & Energy emphasizes the importance of climate mitigation and adaptation, as well <br />as universal access to energy. <br /> <br />• The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy will continue to galvanize cities and local governments in <br />setting more ambitious climate reduction goals, taking accelerated action to meet those objectives, and <br />measuring their progress. <br /> <br />• This single initiative will have a broader reach and impact on more cities around the world. It will increase <br />efforts to build even greater momentum for city-level climate action, and provide greater clarity for cities and <br />ensure more consistent and comparable data – giving investors the ability to see that the actions cities have <br />been taking are having lasting, verifiable, and most importantly, investable impact. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Mission and Logistics of The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy <br />• Cities participating in this initiative commit to targets that will eventually be more ambitious than those of their <br />respective national government, as defined through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris <br />Climate Agreement. For those cities that have already made commitments through either the Covenant or the <br />Compact, current commitments will be honored for a period of at least 2 years. <br /> <br />• The merged effort will establish a Board of Directors, co-Chaired by the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for <br />Cities and Climate Change Michael R. Bloomberg and European Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič. The <br />remaining seats will be held by global mayors representing both the full reach of the world’s regions as well as <br />global networks of cities. With the help of a global Secretariat, the board will set, approve and monitor strategic <br />direction and priorities to coordinate and support the work of the cities across multiple regions, through <br />regional “Covenants” or facilitate their setting up where these do not yet exist. <br /> <br />• The new initiative will include an advisory group of global financial institutions to ensure that cities are attractive <br />for investors, as well as an advisory group of global and regional city networks. This group should ensure <br />connectivity to international and local efforts, to connect technical assistance and engagement to the broader <br />global context. <br /> <br />• On June 23, a transition will begin to manage all activities of this coalition under the guidance of the new Board, <br />supported by a Global Secretariat. A “Founders’ Council,” including representatives from global city networks <br />and the European Commission will provide recommendations on strategic and technical issues for the Board. <br />The new initiative will go “live” by January 1, 2017. The months leading up to January 1 will be used to engage in <br />a dialogue with cities and their networks. <br /> <br />7