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<br /> The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy <br />Fact Sheet <br /> <br />• Name: Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy <br />• Total number of cities committed: 7,100+ <br />• Total number of countries represented: 119 <br />• Total population represented: 600 million, or 8% of the global population <br /> <br />• Six months after cities were crucial voices in shaping and advocating for a strong Paris Climate Agreement in <br />December 2015, the world’s cities are today ready to announce that they will work together to take bold climate <br />action as part of a new first-of-its-kind, and now the world’s largest, global coalition of cities leading in the fight <br />against climate change. <br /> <br />• The new coalition, The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, formally brings together the Compact <br />of Mayors and the Covenant of Mayors, the world’s two primary initiatives of cities to assist cities and local <br />governments in their transition to a low-carbon economy, and demonstrate their global impact. <br /> <br />• Cities are significant in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. They represent major opportunities to <br />reduce climate emissions and enhance climate resilience. Cities innovate faster, and are less hampered by <br />politics than many nation states in their efforts to move towards clean energy and low carbon infrastructure. <br />And cities do even better when they collaborate. <br /> <br />• The creation of a single, global merged initiative to represent the impact of cities in this effort is a historic and <br />powerful response by the world’s urban leadership to the climate challenge. More and more cities across the <br />globe are heeding the call to act from fellow local leaders, and their response could not be more urgent as <br />nations begin the work of meeting the Paris climate goals. <br /> <br />• The joining of these two forces will create the broadest global coalition committed to climate leadership, <br />building on the commitment of 7,100+ cities from six continents and 119 countries representing more than 600 <br />million residents, already participating in the EU Covenant of Mayors and the Compact of Mayors. <br /> <br />• The merged initiative will provide a central platform that brings together relevant data on cities' energy and <br />climate actions reported to the current EU Covenant platform and the platforms supporting the Compact of <br />Mayors (CDP Cities and the Carbonn Climate Registry), allowing to compare cities' and regions' achievements to <br />other cities and regions all around the world, and make them publicly available through a new Global Covenant <br />of Mayors for Climate & Energy website, to be launched by January 2017. <br /> <br />• Aligning efforts will allow for greater collaboration between cities across the world, bridging gaps and building <br />connections, as well as increasing funding to support and empower cities in their actions. <br /> <br />• The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy will allow for comparison between cities' and regions' <br />achievements all around the world, as well as global aggregation of the impact of city actions. <br /> <br />• This historic merger will harness the convening powers and global resources behind both organisations, as well <br />as global city network partners, namely, C40, ICLEI, UCLG, and regional networks including Eurocities, Energy <br />Cities and Climate Alliance. <br /> <br />6