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6 <br />cChairman, a sSecond vVice cChair and a sSecretary-tTreasurer, and a treasurer to <br />serve as officers for one year or until their successors have been duly elected. The <br />Board of Delegates may also elect such additional officers as the Board of Delegates <br />finds to be necessary in the proper performance of its duties. <br /> <br />2) The cChairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Delegates and shall <br />conduct said meeting in an orderly and impartial manner so as to permit a free and <br />full discussion by the membership of such matters as may be brought to the Board of <br />Delegates. The cChairman shall have the same voting rights as other members. <br /> <br />3) The cChairman may appoint such advisory committees as he or she finds to be <br />necessary or desirable. <br /> <br />4) The fFirst vVice cChairman shall perform all of the duties of the cChairman in the <br />absence of the cChairman, or in the event of the inability of the cChairman to act, and <br />shall perform such other duties as the Board of Delegates may delegate to him or her. <br />The Second Vice Chair shall perform all of the duties of the First Vice Chair in the <br />absence of the First Vice Chair or in the event of the inability of the First Vice Chair to <br />act. <br /> <br />5) All other officers elected by the Board of Delegates shall perform such duties as may <br />be prescribed by the Board of Delegates. <br /> <br /> <br />ARTICLE X <br /> <br />Finance Matters: <br /> <br />1) On or before the 15th day of April each year, the Council shall prepare and submit to <br />each participating governmental unit its proposed general budget for the next fiscal <br />year. <br /> <br />2) The general budget shall set out the proportionate share of the budget to be borne by <br />each member governmental unit by a method as established in the By-laws and <br />reviewed periodically by the Board of Delegates. <br /> <br />3) A special budget providing for cooperative arrangements or coordinated action for <br />two or more members may be adopted at the request of members participating in <br />special functions. The share of the special budget to be borne by each participating <br />member shall be determined by the participating members. <br /> <br />8