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9 <br />(a) To create such committees as it deems necessary to exercise the powers <br />granted to the Council herein in dealing with problems or problem areas that <br />do not involve all the members of the Council. At least one delegate from each <br />member governmental unit affected by the problem or problem area to be <br />dealt with by the committee is entitled to be a member of that committee. Any <br />two or more member governmental units shall have the right to have a Council <br />committee formed to exercise the powers of the Council with reference to any <br />problem which affects the petitioning governmental units, unless the Council <br />shall reasonably determine that the problem or problem area in question <br />should be assigned to an existing committee, in which case the petitioning <br />member shall be entitled to be represented on said committee. The subject <br />matter over which nayany committee has jurisdiction to exercise the powers <br />of the Council shall be specifically defined, but may be enlarged or restricted <br />by the Council from time to time. Unless the right of a member of <br />representation on any particular committee granted herein above is asserted, <br />the Chairman of the Council shall designate the membership of all committees. <br /> <br />(b) To accept, receive and disburse in furtherance of the duties, purposes, powers, <br />and functions specified in the Charter all member assessments, funds, grants, <br />and services made available by the State of North Carolina, any other <br />municipality or county or other governmental or quasi-governmental unit or <br />agency, (whether or not a member of such Council) and private and civic <br />sources. The Council may provide matching funds, grants or services, received <br />from any source, to or from any governmental or quasi-governmental agencies <br />established by the Council or any two or more member governmental units in <br />furtherance of the duties, purposes, powers, and functions herein contained. <br />None of the powers contained in this subparagraph may be exercised by any <br />committee except with respect tot funds budgeted or appropriated for their <br />use by the Council. <br /> <br />(c) To meet with, consult with, and act in concert with any county or municipality, <br />or any agency of the State, or Federal government, any civic organization, or <br />any private organization any other in the furtherance of the purposes and <br />objects within its jurisdiction. <br /> <br />(d) To participate, as a unit of local government, in any undertaking with any other <br />unit of local government, whether or not a member of the Council, for the joint <br />exercise of governmental powers in accordance with the pursuant to the <br />provisions of Chapter 160A, Article 20, Part 1 of the General Statutes of North <br />Carolina (and any amendments thereto). <br /> <br />11