Orange County NC Website
Based on the retention schedule, it states: <br />ITEM# STANDARD-11: PERSONNEL RECORDS RECORD SERIES TITLE DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS CITATION 25. <br />EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE REVIEW FILE Information used to establish employees' goals and primary tasks . Records <br />used to eva luate each employee's work performance. See also PERSONNEL RECORDS {OFFICIAL COPY} item 45, page <br />83. a) Destroy in office supervisor approved and signed work plans after 3 years. b) Destroy in office remaining <br />records when administrative value ends.t Agency Policy: Destroy in office after ____ _ <br />At this time, we are printing off copies ofthe document and putting it in the personnel file, but we also retain the <br />document electronically in two locations. My question is, do we have to retain a paper copy if we have them <br />electronically? Is this document a "permanent record" or can it be destroyed in "3 years" after the date of the finalizing <br />of the work plan? <br />I greatly appreciate your assistance, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. <br />Have a great day! <br />Donna Lloyd <br />DonnaS. Lloyd <br />Human Resources Specialist <br />Orange County Human Resources Department <br />200 S. Cameron St. <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />919-245-2556 <br /> <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />1': 1 "1 11 OU t'•\ <br />CONF IDE NTIA LI TY NOT ICE: All email messages , including any attachments, generated from or received b y th is account are the p ropert y of <br />Orange County Government and as such are considered p ublic domain a nd are su bject to the No rth Caro li na Public Records <br />Law. Certain confidential informatio n may be tra nsmitted a nd any unauthorized review, use , disclosu re or distribution is prohibited. If you <br />are not the in tended recipient. please contact the sender b y re p ly email and destroy all copies of the origina l message. <br />2 <br />3