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2014 BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY LISTING FORM INSTRUCTIONS 34 <br />ORANGE COUNTY TAX OFFICE <br />919- 245 -2100 <br />THIS IS THE 2014 PERSONAL PROPERTY LISTING FORM TO LIST ALL BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED ON JANUARY 1, 2014, <br />THIS FORM MUST BE FILED BY JANUARY 31, 2014. EXTENSIONS OF TIME IN WHICH TO LIST MAY BE OB'T'AINED BY SENDING A <br />WRITTEN REQUEST TO THE TAY DEPARTMENT BY JANUARY 31. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALI, THE TAX OFFICE. <br />Electronic filing and requests for listing period extensions are accepted using the service provided by TAXscribe. Please visit www.taxscribe.conr <br />Commonly Asked Questions <br />Who must file a listing, and what do I list? <br />Any individual(s) or business(es) owning or possessing personal property <br />used or connected with a business or other income producing purpose on <br />January 1 must file a listing. Temporary absence of personal property from the <br />place at which it is normally taxable shall not affect this rule. For example, a <br />lawn tractor used for personal use to mow the lawn at your home is not listed. <br />However, a lawn tractor used as part of a landscaping business in this county <br />must be listed if the lawn tractor is normally in this county, even if it happens <br />to be in another state or county on January 1. PLEASE NOTE: This form <br />must be returned even ifyou have no property to list. <br />When and where to list? <br />Listings are due on or before January 31. As required by state law, late <br />listings will receive a penalty. An extension of time to list may be obtained by <br />sending a written request showing "good cause" to the Tax Office by January <br />31. Extensions will not be granted by telephone. <br />How do I list? Three important rules: <br />(1) Read the INSTRUCTIONS for each schedule or group. Contact your <br />county tax office if you need additional clarification. <br />(2) If a Schedule or Group does not apply to you, indicate so on the listing <br />form. DO NOT LEAVE A SECTION BLANK. DO NOT WRITE <br />"SAME AS LAST YEAR". A listing form may be rejected for these <br />reasons and could result in late listing penalties. <br />(3) Listings must be filed based on the tax district where the property is <br />physically located (a separate listint is required ner business location). if <br />you have received multiple listing forms, each form must be completed <br />separately. <br />Information Section <br />• <br />Filing status tatus — check the status that applies to your business <br />• Business category— type of business <br />• Physical address — location of the property. Post office boxes are not <br />acceptable. <br />• Contact person for audit — additional information or verification may be <br />obtained by contacting this person <br />• If out of business — list date ceased operation in county, and provide <br />information regarding new owner if applicable <br />Note: If you purchased an existing business and its assets since January 1, <br />2013 do not complete this listing form without first contacting the county <br />tax office for further instructions at 919 -245 -2100. <br />Schedule A — Personal Properth <br />Property included in this schedule is to be reported as of January 1. <br />Taxpayers with a fiscal year other than December 39 will have to update <br />their records to the January I reporting date. <br />The year acquired column: The rows which begin "2013" are the rows in <br />which you report property acquired during the calendar year 2013. Other years <br />follow the same format. <br />Schedule A contains eight (8) groups. Each is addressed below, List under <br />"Current Years Cost" the 100% cost of all depreciable personal property in <br />Your possession on January 1. Include all filly depreciated assets as well. <br />Please round announts to the nearest dollar. Use the "Additions" and <br />"Deletions" columns to explain changes from "Prior Yr. Cost" to "Current Yr. <br />Cost ". The "Prior Years Cost" plus "Additions" minus "Deletions" should <br />equal "Current Years Cost ". If there are any additions and /or deletions, please <br />note those under Schedule C, Detail of Acquisitions and Disposals. If the <br />deletion is a transferred or paid out lease, please note this, and to vvhonm the <br />property was transferred. <br />COST - Note that the cost information you provide must include all costs <br />associated with the acquisition as well as the costs associated with bringing <br />that property into operation. "These costs may include, but are not limited to <br />invoice cost, trade -in allowances, freight, installation costs, sales tax, <br />expensed costs, and construction period interest. <br />The cost figures reported should be historical cost; that is the original cost of <br />an item when first purchased, even if it was first purchased by someone other <br />than the current owner. For example, you, the current owner, may have <br />purchased equipment in 2003 for $100, but the individual you purchased the <br />equipment fron acquired the equipment in 1998 for $1000. You, the current <br />owner, should report the property as acquired in 1998 for $1000. <br />Property should be reported at its actual historical installed cost IF at the retail <br />level of trade. For example, a manufacturer of computers can make a certain <br />model for $1000 total cost. It is typically available to any retail customer for <br />$2000. If the manufacturer uses the computer for business purposes, he should <br />report the computer at its cost at the retail level of trade, which is $2000, not <br />the $1000 it actually cost the manufacturer. Leasing companies must list <br />property they lease at the retail trade level, even if their actual cost is at the <br />manufacturer or wholesaler level of trade. <br />Group (1) Machinery & Equipment <br />This is the group used for reporting the cost of all machinery and equipment. <br />This includes all store equipment, manufacturing equipment, production lines <br />(hi -tech or low- tech), as well as warehouse and packaging equipment. <br />Tractors, heavy farm machinery, heavy construction equipment, and logging <br />equipment should be listed in this section. All other farm equipment should <br />be listed in Schedule G. List the total cost by year of acquisition, including <br />filly depreciated assets that are still connected with the business. <br />For example, a manufacturer of textiles purchased a knitting machine in <br />October 2006 for $10,000. The sales tax was $200, shipping charges were <br />$200, and installation costs were $200. The total cost that the manufacturer <br />Should report is $10,600, if there were no other costs incurred. The $10,600 <br />should be added in group ( I ) to the 2006 current year's cost column. <br />Group (2) Construction in Pro ress (CIP) <br />CIP is business personal property which is under construction on January 1. <br />The accountant will typically not capitalize the assets under construction until <br />all of the costs associated with the asset are known. In the interim period, the <br />accountant will typically maintain the costs of the asset in a CIP account. The <br />total of this account represents investment in personal property, and is to be <br />listed with the other capital assets of the business during the listing period. <br />Please list in detail. If you have no CIP, write "none ". <br />Group (3) Office Furniture & Fixtures <br />This group is for reporting the costs ofall furniture & fixtures and small office <br />machines used in the business operation. This includes, but is not limited to, <br />file cabinets, desks, chairs, adding machines, curtains, blinds, ceiling fans, <br />window air conditioners, telephones, intercom systems, and burglar alarm <br />systems. <br />Group (4) Computer Equipment <br />This group is for reporting the costs of non - production computers & <br />peripherals. This includes, but is not limited to, personal computers, <br />midrange, or mainframes, as well as the monitors, printers, scanners, magnetic <br />storage devices, cables, & other peripherals associated with those computers. <br />This category also includes software that is capitalized and purchased from an <br />unrelated business entity. Note: The development cost of software or any <br />modification cost to sofhvare, whether done internally by the taxpayer or <br />externally by a third party to meet the customer's specified needs is <br />excluded and should not be reported. This does not include high tech <br />equipment such as proprietary conmputerized point of sale equipment, high <br />tech medical equipment, computer controlled equipment, or the high -tech <br />Continued on Reverse <br />