Orange County NC Website
5/18/2018 statutes / ?statute= 105 -275 <br />owned by public or private utilities built and installed primarily for the APose of <br />providing sewer service to areas that are predominantly residential in character or <br />areas that lie outside territory already having sewer service), if the Department of <br />Environmental Quality or a local air pollution control program for air- cleaning devices <br />located in an area where the Environmental Management Commission has certified a <br />local air pollution control program pursuant to G.S. 143 - 215.112 furnishes a certificate <br />to the tax supervisor of the county in which the property is situated or to be situated <br />stating that the Environmental Management Commission or local air pollution control <br />program has found that the described property: <br />1. Has been or will be constructed or installed; <br />2. Complies with or that plans therefor which have been submitted to the <br />Environmental Management Commission or local air pollution control <br />program indicate that it will comply with the requirements of the <br />Environmental Management Commission or local air pollution control <br />program; <br />3. Is being effectively operated or will, when completed, be required to operate in <br />accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, certificate of approval, <br />or other document of approval issued by the Environmental Management <br />Commission or local air pollution control program; and <br />4. Has or, when completed, will have as its primary rather than incidental purpose <br />the reduction of water pollution resulting from the discharge of sewage and <br />waste or the reduction of air pollution resulting from the emission of air <br />contaminants. <br />al. Sub- subdivision a. of this subdivision shall not apply to an animal waste management <br />system, as defined in G.S. 143 - 215,1013, unless the Environmental Management <br />Commission determines that the animal waste management system will accomplish all <br />of the following: <br />1. Eliminate the discharge of animal waste to surface waters and groundwater <br />through direct discharge, seepage, or runoff. <br />2. Substantially eliminate atmospheric emissions of ammonia. <br />3. Substantially eliminate the emission of odor that is detectable beyond the <br />boundaries of the parcel or tract of land on which the farm is located. <br />4. Substantially eliminate the release of disease - transmitting vectors and airborne <br />pathogens. <br />5. Substantially eliminate nutrient and heavy metal contamination of soil and <br />groundwater. <br />b. Real or personal property that is used or, if under construction, is to be used <br />exclusively for recycling or resource recovering of or from solid waste, if the <br />Department of Environmental Quality furnishes a certificate to the tax supervisor of <br />the county in which the property is situated stating the Department of Environmental <br />Quality has found that the described property has been or will be constructed or <br />installed, complies or will comply with the rules of the Department of Environmental <br />Quality, and has, or will have as its primary purpose recycling or resource recovering <br />of or from solid waste. <br />C. Tangible personal property that is used exclusively, or if being installed, is to be used <br />exclusively, for the prevention or reduction of cotton dust inside a textile plant for the <br />protection of the health of the employees of the plant, in accordance with occupational <br />safety and health standards adopted by the State of North Carolina pursuant to Article <br />16 of G.S. Chapter 95. Notwithstanding the exclusive use requirement of this sub - <br />subdivision, all parts of a ventilation or air conditioning system that are integrated into <br />a system used for the prevention or reduction of cotton dust, except for chillers and <br />cooling towers, are excluded from taxation under this sub- subdivision. The <br />Department of Revenue shall adopt guidelines to assist the tax supervisors in <br />administering this exclusion. <br />https : / /www.nclog.neUgascripts/ statutes /statuteIookup.pI ?statute= 105 -275 2/7 <br />