Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> <br />o Continue to plan for, and prepare, the 2019 State of the Environment report 1 <br />o 3 committees: air and energy; water resources; and land resources. Each 2 <br />committee tasked with identifying measured properties for the next year. 3 <br /> Air and Energy Committee 4 <br /> Request the BOCC sign on to the Global Covenant of Mayors for 5 <br />Climate and Energy, which includes committing to completing a 6 <br />greenhouse gas inventory within a year. Upon signing, the 7 <br />committee will assist staff, as appropriate, with the associated 8 <br />Greenhouse Gas inventory update and climate action planning. 9 <br /> Land Resources 10 <br /> Develop methodology for monitoring changes in forest cover/land 11 <br />cover in Orange County and also tie into the “No Net Loss of Tree 12 <br />Canopy” petition. 13 <br /> Water Resources 14 <br /> Strive to educate County residents about their source of water, 15 <br />especially those residents utilizing groundwater for their supply. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Bradley Saul said the Commission just held Earth Evening Event last week, which was 18 <br />successful. 19 <br />Bradley Saul said members of the Commission continue to prepare articles on 20 <br />environmental issues of importance to Orange County, including climate change, energy 21 <br />conservation, and other important topics. 22 <br />Bradley Saul said he had three questions to ask the BOCC: 23 <br />1. The Commission has a number of members interested in proposing resolutions to the 24 <br />Board of County Commissioners, which are not necessarily related to County policy, and 25 <br />he asked if the BOCC is interested in these types of resolutions. 26 <br />2. How useful is The State of the Environment Report? 27 <br />3. Operation of advisory boards: the Commission does not have and operational 28 <br />processes - ways to share information, listserve, etc. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is an example of the type of resolutions the 31 <br />Commission is interested in sharing. 32 <br />Bradley Saul said an example is a member brought forth a resolution to ask the State 33 <br />Treasurer to divest from fossil fuels. He said the BOCC may not agree with that particular 34 <br />issue, but in general the Commission would like to know if the BOCC would want to receive 35 <br />these types of resolutions. 36 <br />Commissioner McKee said there is a wide area of opinions on all issues in Orange 37 <br />County, and asked if the Commission has a plan to incorporate as many views as possible in 38 <br />one resolution. He said he has a problem with passing resolutions without the incorporation of 39 <br />many different people, and different viewpoints. 40 <br />Bradley Saul agreed, and the Commission is still discussing this. 41 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he was sent a copy of this draft resolution, and if more came 42 <br />forward in the future, the Board of County Commissioners could decide what to do with them. 43 <br />He said he does not want to stifle the advisory boards, and resolutions can be sent to the Chair 44 <br />or another board member. He said the resolution may be used, or it may die, but that would be 45 <br />left to the Board of County Commissioners to decide. 46 <br />Commissioner Rich said in regards to the list serve, advisory boards should work with 47 <br />the Community Relations Director. 48 <br />Bradley Saul said he was referring to a list serve for the Commission itself. He said 49 <br />maybe a Google group within his advisory board. 50