Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> <br /> 1 <br />3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members 2 <br /> Commissioner McKee had no comments. 3 <br /> Commissioner Price said the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning 4 <br />Organization met last week, and released the list of projects for the allocation of local input 5 <br />points, therefore opening the public comment period. 6 <br /> Commissioner Price said the Board received a template from the North Carolina 7 <br />Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) for the North Carolina School Bond for school 8 <br />facilities, and she is petitioning the BOCC to support the bond, and to encourage both local 9 <br />Chambers of Commerce to do the same. 10 <br /> Commissioner Price said the Central Orange High School reunion is coming up, and it 11 <br />marks 50 years since the end of segregation in the Orange County School System. She said 12 <br />there will be a host of activities planned. 13 <br />Commissioner Price said she supported getting an action plan for the MST. 14 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Price about the MST. 15 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he wanted to express his condolences to the family of Elsie 16 <br />Pickett, who was a great community activist. 17 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs congratulated all of the teachers who were going to Raleigh 18 <br />tomorrow to fight for themselves and quality public education, in a State that seems to want to 19 <br />dismantle quality public education. 20 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the first meeting of the Orange Chatham Work Group 21 <br />occurred, and it was a very collegial meeting, which was full of good information. He said the 22 <br />next meeting will occur in October. 23 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he is excited about the day of advocacy for teachers and 24 <br />public education. He said one part of the movement stuck with him, which is the depth of 25 <br />children’s hunger issues in the County, and learning how many children would go without food 26 <br />due to missing a day of school. He said he was unaware of the magnitude of this problem, and 27 <br />he is unsure how to help, but feels that Board should concentrate on this issue in the near 28 <br />future. 29 <br />Commissioner Burroughs had no comments. 30 <br />Commissioner Rich referred to Commissioner Marcoplos’ request to help hungry 31 <br />children, and said it may be something that the Food Council can look into. She congratulated 32 <br />teachers for their bold move in holding tomorrow’s march. 33 <br />Commissioner Rich referred to the meeting with Chatham County, and said she also 34 <br />learned a great deal. She said Chatham County is feeling growing pains with its public 35 <br />transportation, especially in the direction of Chapel Hill. She said Chatham Transit is a non-36 <br />profit, to which Chatham County provides financial support, and it is trying to get passengers to 37 <br />UNC, in order to connect with Orange Public Transit (OPT) and Chapel Hill Transit. She 38 <br />petitioned the Board and staff to think proactively about these connections. 39 <br /> 40 <br />4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations 41 <br />NONE 42 <br /> 43 <br />8. Consent Agenda (MOVED UP) 44 <br /> 45 <br />• Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda 46 <br />Items 8-b, 8-c by Commissioner Price 47 <br />Item 8-d by Commissioner McKee 48 <br /> 49 <br />• Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda 50