Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> <br /> Attachment 1 1 <br /> 2 <br />DRAFT MINUTES 3 <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 4 <br />WORK SESSION 5 <br />May 3, 2018 6 <br />7:00 p.m. 7 <br /> 8 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met for a work session on Thursday, May 3, 2018 9 <br />at 7:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, N.C. 10 <br /> 11 <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Dorosin and Commissioners Mia Burroughs, 12 <br />Barry Jacobs, Mark Marcoplos, Earl McKee and Penny Rich 13 <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Renee Price 14 <br />COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: John Roberts 15 <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Bonnie Hammersley, Deputy County Manager 16 <br />Travis Myren and Clerk to the Board Donna Baker (All other staff members will be identified 17 <br />appropriately below) 18 <br /> 19 <br /> Chair Dorosin called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 20 <br /> 21 <br />1. Boards and Commissions – Annual Work Plans/Reports 22 <br /> 23 <br />BACKGROUND: 24 <br />In the past, as part of the Board of Commissioners’ annual planning and goal setting retreats, 25 <br />the Board requested and reviewed/provided feedback on annual summaries/work plans from 26 <br />the County’s internal advisory boards and commissions. This information provided the Board 27 <br />with a yearly overview of the boards and commissions and their projected goals for the 28 <br />upcoming year. This particular process ended in 2007. The Board decided at its April 13, 2010 29 <br />meeting to reinstate this process independent of the Board’s annual retreats. Thus the current 30 <br />process that is now being used: 31 <br /> 32 <br />• In September, the Clerk sends to the support staff of each advisory board the Annual 33 <br />Report and Work Plan template to be completed by their ABC and returned by a 34 <br />predetermined date in mid to latter December. 35 <br />• The Chair/Vice Chair would then decides in January/February (after the winter break) 36 <br />when these reports would come forth to the Board of Commissioner via oral summaries 37 <br />of the annual reports by the Board chairs, who also would be available, along with staff, 38 <br />to answer any questions that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) may have as 39 <br />related to the individual work plans. 40 <br />• Usually the Chair of the advisory board (or their designee) will present the overview of 41 <br />their work plan/annual summary. 42 <br />• Appointees to outside boards and commissions (town boards) present an overview of 43 <br />their particular advisory board. 44 <br /> 45 <br />The Board has requested that this process be discussed at a work session (it was originally 46 <br />scheduled to be discussed at the March 8th work session but that meeting was canceled; it is 47 <br />now tentatively scheduled for the May 17th meeting (after the budget public hearing item). 48 <br /> 49 <br />Internal Boards and their representatives below: 50