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18 <br /> <br />Todd McGee said he welcomes BOCC suggestions, and will also look to staff and the 1 <br />community for their expertise. He said the radio station will help as well. 2 <br />Commissioner Rich said she is happy to work with the radio station, but she wants to 3 <br />make sure this is the County’s Economic Summit. 4 <br />Commissioner Rich said to include the Orange County Living Wage community. 5 <br />Chair Dorosin said it may be helpful for the Board to see a revised version of this 6 <br />agenda, once this evening’s comments have been incorporated. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Date and Time: 9 <br />Todd McGee said staff is looking at the fall, and wants to do it after the Local Fest and 10 <br />before the election, and suggests Wednesday, October 10th. He said the radio station 11 <br />recommends doing it from 3-7 p.m. on the Aaron Keck show, which has a ready-made 12 <br />audience interested in these topics. He said staff agrees with this recommendation. 13 <br /> The Board agreed to this date and time by consensus. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Board of County Commissioners Involvement 16 <br />Todd McGee asked if each Commissioner wants to be on one of the panels, or just let 17 <br />the Chair given opening comments. 18 <br />Chair Dorosin said he is open to the will of the Board. 19 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to see what staff comes up with, and the 20 <br />Commissioners may want to sit in the audience and heckle. 21 <br />Chair Dorosin suggested that staff brainstorm whom it may want on the panels, and the 22 <br />Commissioners can see where they may be able to fill in. 23 <br />Todd McGee said it would be good to have the Commissioners’ perspective during the 24 <br />event. 25 <br /> 26 <br /> 4. Policy on Board Petitions and Board Members’ Requests to Staff 27 <br /> 28 <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested tabling this item until Commissioner Price can attend. 29 <br />The Board agreed by consensus. 30 <br /> 31 <br />ITEM DEFERRED 32 <br /> 33 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Rich to 34 <br />adjourn the meeting at 9:41 p.m. 35 <br /> 36 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS 37 <br /> 38 <br /> Mark Dorosin, Chair 39 <br /> 40 <br /> 41 <br />Donna Baker 42 <br />Clerk to the Board 43