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13 <br /> <br />partnerships with the towns, public agencies, nonprofits, civic and for-profit 1 <br />organizations. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Identify any activities this board/commission expects to carry out in 2018 as they relate to 4 <br />established BOCC goals and priorities. 5 <br /> 6 <br />• Participate in or facilitate an Affordable Housing Tour to note impact of work undertaken 7 <br />and changes in need. 8 <br />• Continue to monitor and provide necessary input and comments on the County’s Land 9 <br />Banking/Mobile Home Park Initiative, as well as the intergovernmental response to 10 <br />mitigating resident displacement related to mobile home park closures. 11 <br />• Assist in the formulation of the Consolidated Plan/Annual Action Plan Update. 12 <br />• Continue conducting Speaker Presentations and Community Dialogues to address 13 <br />affordable housing concerns and options that will help to increase the supply and meet a 14 <br />range of needs. 15 <br />• Host a joint session with other Affordable Housing Boards in the County. 16 <br />• Participate in a meeting with Orange County Local Government Affordable Housing 17 <br />Collaborative. 18 <br /> 19 <br />Emerging issues or concerns for 2018: 20 <br /> 21 <br />• The need for better communication across all organizations that focus on affordable 22 <br />housing matters. 23 <br />• The need for enhanced communication and engagement between landlords, utility 24 <br />services, the County and the HCV Program. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Cain Twyman reported that Ellie Kinnaird shared comments with her about the master 27 <br />leasing proposal, which came to their board. She said they spoke with the Chamber of 28 <br />Commerce and others, who would like to form a coalition to rent out houses themselves to low 29 <br />income families, in order to have an additional source of affordable housing. 30 <br />Commissioner Rich said she has spoken with Sherrill Hampton about seeing improved 31 <br />collaboration with the Towns, and asked if there is an update on these outreach efforts, and 32 <br />asked if there is a timeline. 33 <br />Cain Twyman said they hope to do this fairly soon, but are not sure of an exact timeline. 34 <br />Sherrill Hampton said the AHAB Chair and Vice-Chair were adamant about meeting with 35 <br />the municipal advisory boards, and staffs from the Towns and County have talked about this. 36 <br />She said one suggestion was to have the chairs of all the advisory boards to meet and create 37 <br />an agenda. She said she will bring that suggestion back to the AHAB next week to gather 38 <br />some possible meeting dates. 39 <br />Commissioner Rich said she thinks it is important to set an agenda first, because simply 40 <br />meeting is not enough; there has to be collaborative conversation. 41 <br />Commissioner McKee asked if it is a technical issue to have the Advisory Board chairs 42 <br />meet prior to the boards meeting. 43 <br />Sherrill Hampton said this was a suggestion that came from a member of the 44 <br />collaborative staff team. 45 <br />Chair Dorosin said the BOCC heard from the Housing Authority earlier. He said there is 46 <br />the Housing Authority (OCHA), AHAB, and the Orange County Local Government Affordable 47 <br />Housing Collaborative (“the Collaborative”), and asked if these are distinct entities or are there 48 <br />are overlapping efforts. 49