Agenda - 06-05-2018 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-05-2018 Regular Meeting
Agenda - 06-05-2018 8-a - Minutes
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5/31/2018 5:03:22 PM
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5/31/2018 5:14:24 PM
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Agenda - 06-05-2018 Regular Board Meeting
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11 <br /> <br />• Online trails and parks information and communication methods- use more social media 1 <br />• Site visits to County parks 2 <br />• Community Centers and transition to community-based management 3 <br />• Naming of Fairview Park ballfield for James Stewart 4 <br />• Met with Sportsplex executive director on upcoming changes and collaboration 5 <br />possibilities 6 <br /> 7 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he is curious about the availability of school fields, and 8 <br />the demand for their use. 9 <br />David Stancil, Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation Director, 10 <br />said it is difficult at the high and middle schools, and much easier at the elementary schools. He 11 <br />said years ago there was a joint use of school facilities memorandum between the County and 12 <br />the schools. He said often the fields at elementary schools are not really the best to use. 13 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said when looking at population projections and budgetary 14 <br />concerns, it seems that using that which already exists, and working toward some type of 15 <br />collaboration, would make sense. 16 <br />David Stancil said it can be done, and there have been some successes, but there is 17 <br />some proprietary interest with the athletic directors. 18 <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested bringing this up with the schools during the budget 19 <br />work session. He said there are some legitimate security issues, which can be overcome, and 20 <br />this overall issue has been a problem as long as he has been a Commissioner. 21 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said the fields are sometimes treated like show dogs. 22 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he understands wanting the fields to be in good condition, 23 <br />but there has to be some middle ground. He commended Tori Williams Reid for using the 24 <br />phrase “low impact recreation”. 25 <br />Tori Williams reviewed the goals and priorities for 2018: 26 <br /> 27 <br />• Advise on the pending construction of Phase 2-A at Blackwood Farm Park, including the 28 <br />potential for partnership on the Nature Center and the Disc Golf course among others. 29 <br />• Review and advise on the design and layout for of the Center Expansion. 30 <br />• Continue to participate in the Mountains to Sea Trail project as waystation and trailhead 31 <br />locations are identified in the coming at Seven Mile Creek and potentially other 32 <br />locations. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Emerging Issues going forward: 35 <br />• The County continues to have a need for gymnasium space that exceeds the capacity of 36 <br />the Central Recreation Center. The County rents space at two Orange County Schools 37 <br />just to run existing basketball and volleyball programs, and there is evident demand for 38 <br />increased activity for gymnasium space. The PRC encourages discussions about the 39 <br />potential for finding additional gymnasium access, perhaps through the Sportsplex 40 <br />expansion that is starting, to help meet this pent-up demand. 41 <br />• The PRC proposes to look at the possibility of short-term usage of land-banked future 42 <br />park sites for other interim activities until such time as the parks are built, and develop a 43 <br />report to the Board of Commissioners on this topic during 2018. 44 <br /> 45 <br />Chair Dorosin referred to their wish list, and said there is an idea of short-term usage of 46 <br />land banking for future parks. He asked if a report will be brought back to the BOCC in the 47 <br />future. 48 <br />David Stancil said yes, and there are three sites that have areas that could be cultivated 49 <br />for some farming. He said he is working with the Ag Preservation Board. 50
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