Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />Justice and Public Safety <br /> <br />Approved Goals <br /> <br />JPS-1: Support legislation and funding to raise the Age of Juvenile Jurisdiction from 16 to <br />18 with the exception of felony crimes. <br /> <br />• The final budget included a provision to raise the age of juvenile jurisdiction with <br />the exception of A-E felonies. It also included $13.2 million for a new youth <br />development center and $1 million for the planning of the implementation of the <br />Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Act. <br /> <br />JPS-2: Support increased state funding for NC courts, including reinstating funding for <br />drug treatment court. <br /> <br />• Funding for 36 new assistant district attorneys across the state was a part of the <br />final budget. <br />JPS-3: Support legislation and state funding to provide early intervention services <br />through the Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils and support increased state funding for <br />the prevention, intervention and treatment of adolescent substance abuse, gang <br />involvement and domestic violence. <br />• The “Raise the Age” legislation in the budget included provisions aimed at <br />reducing juvenile crime. The budget also includes resources for substance abuse <br />treatment while the STOP Act increases oversight and standards for opioid <br />prescribing practices. <br />JPS-4: Support legislation increasing penalties for tattooing without a permit. <br />• H250/S256 would accomplish this goal. H250 passed the House but was not <br />heard in the Senate. It is eligible for short session. <br /> <br />Public Education <br /> <br />Approved Goals <br /> <br />PE-1: Seek legislation to establish a new state-county partnership to address statewide <br />public school capital challenges--including but not limited to maintenance, renovation, <br />construction and debt--through a dedicated, stable funding stream that is consistent <br />from county to county and sufficient to meet the school facility needs of all 100 <br />counties. <br /> <br />• The final budget allocates $100 million from lottery proceeds to the Public School <br />Building Capital Fund and adds $30 million in FY 2018 and $75 million in FY 2019 to <br />a newly-created Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund. Legislation authorizing <br />28