Orange County NC Website
<br />ALBERT COATES LOCAL GOVERNMENT CENTER  215 NORTH D AWSON STREET , R ALEIGH, NC 27603  PHONE 919.715.2893  F AX 919.733.1065 <br />RISK M ANAGEMENT POOLS  PHONE 919.719.1100  FAX 919.719.1101 <br />WWW.NCACC .ORG <br /> H437, S166 and H333 were all aimed at expanding local revenue flexibility. H333 <br />passed the House, but was not considered by the Senate. All are eligible for short <br />session. <br /> <br />GG-3: Seek legislation, funding, and other efforts to expand digital <br />infrastructure/broadband capability to the un-served and under-served areas of <br />the state. <br /> <br /> H390/S208 are eligible for the short session, and would allow counties to invest in <br />digital infrastructure and lease to private providers to help expand broadband <br />access. <br />PE-4: Support legislation providing flexibility to align K-12 and community college <br />calendar. <br /> <br /> One statewide bill, H375, granting local boards of education the ability to align <br />school start dates with that of a community college serving the county, was <br />passed by the House but saw no action in the Senate. <br /> <br />24