Orange County NC Website
ordinary maintenance for projects of this type, and therefore the term of the Bonds will be within such maximum useful life. <br /> 16. Miscellaneous Provisions – The Board authorizes all County officers and employees to take all such further action as they may consider desirable in carrying out the purposes of this resolution. The Board ratifies all prior actions of County officers and employees in this regard. Upon the absence, unavailability or refusal to act of the Chair, the County Manager or the Finance Officer, any of such officers may assume any responsibility or carry out any function assigned to another officer in this resolution. In addition, upon the unavailability of the Chair or the Clerk, respectively, any of the rights or responsibilities directed to such officers may be carried out or exercised by the Vice Chair or any Deputy or Assistant Clerk. All other resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this resolution are repealed, to the extent of the conflict. This resolution takes effect immediately. <br />9