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valorem tax, without restriction as to rate or amount, on all locally taxable property in the County sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same become due. <br />4. Approval of Official Statement for Offering - There has been made available to each member of the Board a draft of an official statement (the “Official Statement") relating to the Bonds, which is designed to provide appropriate information about the County and the financing to prospective investors in the Bonds. The draft Official Statement remains subject to completion and amendment. <br /> The Board approves the LGC's distribution of the Official Statement to prospective purchasers of the Bonds. The Official Statement as distributed must be in substantially the form presented to this meeting, which the Board approves, with changes as the Finance Officer may approve. The Board ratifies the prior actions of the Finance Officer and other County representatives, in collaboration with the LGC staff, in preparing the text of the Official Statement. The Board acknowledges that it is the County’s responsibility, and ultimately the Board’s responsibility, to ensure that the Official Statement in its final form neither contains an untrue statement of a material fact nor omits to state a material fact required to be included therein for the purpose for which the Official Statement is to be used or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. By the adoption of this resolution, the Board members acknowledge and accept their own responsibility for causing the County to fulfill these responsibilities for the Official Statement. The County deems the Official Statement as distributed by the LGC to be a “final official statement” within the meaning of Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“Rule 15c2-12”), except for the omission of certain final Bond pricing and other information that Rule 15c2-12 allows to be omitted. <br />5. Prepayment Provisions – The Board directs the Finance Officer, upon advice from the LGC, to determine the terms and conditions under which the Bonds will be subject to prepayment prior to maturity. The Finance Officer shall execute a <br />4