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<br />The above amounts are estimates only and may still be adjusted according to the exact <br />allocation received from HUD. <br /> <br />The HOME Consortium, known as the Orange County Local Government Affordable Housing <br />Collaborative, comprised of one (1) elected official and staff members from Orange County, the <br />Town of Carrboro, Town of Chapel Hill and Town of Hillsborough reviewed the applications <br />received and made recommendations regarding funding for consideration by local elected <br />officials in May 2018 as follows: <br /> <br />Community Home Trust -- Homeowner Assistance $ 60,201.00* <br />Empowerment, Inc. – Rental Acquisition $145,000.00 <br />Habitat for Humanity – Homeownership $ 60,000.00 <br />Orange County – Housing Rehabilitation $ 49,211.00 <br />Orange County – County-wide TBRA $150,402.00 <br />Administration $ 40,134.00 <br />Total $504,948.00 <br />(*-Denotes Orange County HOME Consortium’s CHDO Set-Aside) <br /> <br />See Attachment 2 for a revised summary description of the aforementioned projects and their <br />geographic locations. In addition, on May 22, 2018, the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service <br />(IFC) submitted a written request to withdraw its application for FY2018-2019 HOME funding. <br />IFC will no longer serve as the contract provider for the Rapid Re-Housing Program. Orange <br />County will assume responsibility once again for the program. The Housing and Community <br />Development Department will collaborate with the Orange County Department of Social <br />Services (DSS) to directly provide these services. DSS was the applicant for the funding <br />received under the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). The Collaborative voted to accept IFC’s <br />request to withdraw its application and awarded those funds to Orange County as the County <br />will assume responsibility for providing the Rapid Re-Housing Program. <br /> <br />The requested amounts above may still be adjusted based on the exact allocation the HOME <br />Consortium receives from HUD. <br /> <br />The FY 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan will be submitted to HUD on or before July 2, 2018. This <br />Public Hearing is one of three (3) public hearings held as a part of Orange County’s <br />engagement of residents concerning local housing and community developments needs and the <br />HOME Program. For a proposed revised timeline of the complete process, see Attachment 3. <br /> <br />In order to inform the general public of this opportunity and encourage participation, notice of the <br />public hearing and locations at which the public can review a draft of the revised proposed <br />Annual Action Plan have been placed in The Herald-Sun, News of Orange and La Noticia, as <br />well as sent to public libraries, local non-profit agencies and placed on Orange County’s <br />website. <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: No negative financial impact is anticipated. The Orange County HOME <br />Consortium, known as the Orange County Local Government Affordable Housing Collaborative, <br />recommendation provides HOME funding for very low income, low income and moderate- <br />income families and special population groups. <br /> <br />SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goals are applicable <br />to this item: <br /> <br />2