Orange County NC Website
10 <br />FFY 2015 -2019 Five Year Consolidated Plan Orange County HOME Consortium, NC <br />HS -6 Permanent Housing - Support the development of permanent affordable housing <br />options for young adults and other single individuals starting careers and families with <br />members in modest paying professional careers (such as teachers, service workers and <br />medical assistants), including creative and non - traditional affordable housing options in <br />design (amenities, size and cost) and that provides for more affordable units and an asset in <br />communities <br />HS -7 Permanent Housing - Identify and pursue local, state, federal and private resources <br />including university communities to leverage available resources (that include publicly owned <br />land and surplus facilities and financial support) for development of permanent affordable <br />housing at a level that is "key" to meeting the basic need of decent safe and sound affordable <br />housing for a broad cross section (age and income) of the residents of Orange County <br />HS -8 Housing Preservation - Preserve and monitor the affordable housing stock that exists by <br />developing strategies, tools and partnerships that allow the County to retain the supply of <br />decent, safe, sound, and accessible housing that is affordable to low- and moderate - income <br />owners and renters <br />Homeless Priority (High Priority) <br />There is a need for housing and support services for homeless persons, and persons who are at- <br />risk of becoming homeless <br />Goals /Strategies: <br />HO -1 Continuum of Care - Support the local Continuum of Care's (CoQ efforts to provide <br />emergency shelter, increase support for rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing <br />to persons and families who are homeless or who are at risk of becoming homeless. <br />HO -2 Operation /Support - Assist providers in the operation of housing and support services <br />for the homeless and persons at -risk of becoming homeless.. <br />HO -3 Prevention and Housing — Continue to support the prevention of homelessness and <br />programs for rapid rehousing. <br />HO -4 Housing -- Support the rehabilitation of and making accessibility improvements to <br />emergency shelters, transitional housing and permanent housing for the homeless. <br />HO -5 Permanent Housing - Support the development of permanent supportive housing for <br />homeless individuals and families, including creative and non- traditional affordable housing <br />options that reduce cost and provide for more affordable units.. <br />OMB Control No: 2505 -0117 (exp. 07/31/2015) 7 <br />