Agenda - 03-01-2005-5l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-01-2005
Agenda - 03-01-2005-5l
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9/2/2008 2:01:10 AM
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8/29/2008 10:08:20 AM
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2005 S Personnel - Agreement for Consulting Services for OPC Director Search
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2005
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The consultant will share the proposed selection guidebook to the designated members of <br />the Search Committee for a final review, The consultant will then make revisions mutually <br />agreed upon with those members. <br />B. Conducting The Assessment Process ($1,500) <br />The consultant will prepare both candidates and assessors to ensure a sound assessment <br />process. The consultant also will coordinate the exercises and rating process during the <br />actual assessment of the candidates. <br />Candidate and Assessor Training <br />Approximately 10 days before the assessment process is held, the consultant will provide <br />information by email to prepare candidates for the exercises, The purpose of this <br />information is to reduce candidate test anxiety, to enable them to prepare, and to enhance <br />their ability to perform at full capacity during the process, This orientation information will <br />include reviewing the general design of the selection process, distributing relevant <br />preparatory information, and outlining the procedures to be followed during the <br />administration of the process., <br />Before candidates begin the assessment process, the consultant will train all assessors on <br />the process.. He also will train each assessor team to administer and evaluate their <br />individual exercises, such as interviews, and written exercises in a reliable, valid, and <br />unbiased fashion, <br />Conducting the Assessment Process <br />The consultant will provide the schedule for candidates and coordinate the assessment <br />process. (If the process requires a second day, there will be a $750 additional charge), The <br />consultant will videotape exercises so that questions about candidates can be resolved and <br />so that decision-makers not involved in the assessment process can review candidate <br />performance. <br />The consultant will ensure that assessors and candidates receive all necessary information, <br />and that any unanticipated problems or questions are resolved in a fair, impartial, and legally <br />defensible manner, The consultant also will coordinate the schedule for the day, facilitate <br />the debriefing of all assessors at the end of the assessment, and compile and summarize <br />the final ratings. <br />C. Reference Checks And Background Investigation <br />The consultant will conduct reference checks and background investigations on up to six <br />finalists either before or after they complete the assessment process, <br />The specific services and the associated costs per candidate are described below, <br />
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