Orange County NC Website
3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members (Three Minute Limit Per <br />Commissioner) <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> <br />a. Voluntary and Enhanced Agricultural District Designation – Multiple Farms <br />b. Bicycle Safety Campaign Presentation <br /> <br />5. Public Hearings <br /> <br />a. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and Zoning Atlas Amendments – Modification of <br />Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) Requirements <br />b. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) – Home Park Conditional Zoning District (HP-CZD) <br />Acreage and Land Use Modifications <br />c. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendments – Home Park Conditional Zoning <br />District (HP-CZD) Corrections <br />d. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendments – Subdivisions <br />e. Orange County Consolidated Plan – Revised Annual Action Plan Update and Proposed Uses of <br />the FY 2018-2019 HOME Funds <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />Regular Agenda <br /> <br />a. Request for Approval of the HOME Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) <br />Set-Aside Award <br />b. General Obligation Bond Sale for Chapel Hill High School and Approval of Budget <br />Amendment #9-A Related to the FY 2017-18 Capital Investment Plan <br />c. Limited Obligation Series 2018 Bonds <br />d. Orange County's Proposed 2018 Legislative Agenda <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br />Reports <br /> <br />a. Update on the Manufactured Home Park Initiative <br />b. Millhouse Road Park Affordable Housing Options Feasibility Update <br /> <br />8. <br /> <br />Consent Agenda <br />• Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br />• Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br />• Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> <br />a. Minutes <br />b. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br />c. Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br />d. Refund Request – Sports Endeavors, Inc. <br />e. 2018 Amendment to Orange County Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, Standard 11: <br />Personnel Records, Item 25: Employee Performance Review File <br />f. Adoption of Triangle J Council of Government’s (TJCOG) Revised Charter Resolution <br />g. ISLA, Inc. Lease – 501 W. Franklin Street, Suite 200 <br />h. Joining the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy <br />i. Encroachment Agreement for Sidewalk Construction Associated with Sportsplex Facility & <br />Field House <br />j. Orange County ABC Board Travel Policy