Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Offsite options include public sewer extension from OWASA's sewer system currently <br />proximate to the site and presently serving the Town of Chapel Hill's Public Works facility <br />across the railroad and Millhouse Road. <br />Both of these options for sewer service, and the option mentioned above regarding water <br />service, require additional research and include extensive permitting considerations and <br />potential County policy modifications to serve this property /project located in the Rural <br />Buffer. <br />Driveway Access and Roadway Improvements <br />The NC Department of Transportation will control vehicular access to the subject property <br />from Millhouse Road. NCDOT will require a Transportation Impact Analysis to be prepared <br />for development of the project. Meetings with the NCDOT have indicated that driveway <br />access for the intended uses is feasible and that roadway improvements to Millhouse Road <br />are expected in order to serve the soccer complex. Scheme A includes a roundabout as a <br />means to manage the traffic volumes associated with the soccer facilities but other more <br />traditional means may be acceptable such as left and right turn lanes. This proposed driveway <br />alignment utilizes (shares) and preserves the existing access easement to an off site cell <br />tower and provides a single driveway access to the property. <br />Scheme B proposes to separate the driveway access to the different facilities. One is <br />proposed in the current driveway location of the existing Parks Operation Center to serve the <br />soccer complex and the other proposes to utilize, and share, the driveway currently serving <br />the Green Beagle Lodge in order to serve the residential area. This proposed driveway <br />alignments includes relocation of the access easement serving the off -site cell tower. <br />Environmental Considerations <br />The existing stream on the property has been reviewed by S &EC and the County and has <br />been determined to be a buffered stream. Initial slopes analysis indicate the buffer width is <br />likely to extend 65' on each side of the stream. <br />S &EC also identified three other features that have also been reviewed by the USACE and <br />determined to be wetlands. One feature is along the south side of the pond mentioned to be <br />offsite along the northern boundary. This wetland is jurisdictional, meaning under the <br />jurisdiction of the USAGE, and includes an Orange County buffer. Another jurisdictional <br />wetland was identified in the south -east corner previously described as a low area along the <br />railroad. This wetland is also jurisdictional and a buffered feature. The third wetland on site <br />is located along the "saddle" previously described and it occupies the area at the apex of the <br />saddle where the slopes are very slight. This wetland has been determined by the USACE to <br />be an isolated wetland and therefore not a jurisdictional feature. Given the State's jurisdiction <br />on isolated wetlands that are determined to be basins or bogs, S &EC has revisited the site <br />and demarked an area approximately 17,000 SF in area as a qualifying basin or bog. A site <br />visit by NCDWR is required to confirm or modify S &EC's findings for an official <br />jurisdictional determination. It is anticipated this site visit is likely to occur in June. <br />5 <br />