Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />This document constitutes a memorandum of understanding between The County of Orange and <br />Home Depot to define responsibilities for operations and maintenance, including litter/trash <br />pickup and other related issues/problems, at and around the permanent recycling center located <br />adjacent to the Hampton Pointe Home Depot store in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />The proposed recycling center site located adjacent to the new proposed Home Depot store in <br />Hillsborough was preliminarily planned with a fence located on the boundary between the <br />recycling center area and Home Depot. The Orange County Solid Waste Department has <br />identified such a fence to be a barrier to efficient and safe servicing of this center by department <br />staff. The County also understands that Home Depot has concerns regarding a recycling center <br />that is located close to its store, including outside storage and receiving areas, <br />Therefore, the County wishes to propose a means by which the currently proposed fence is <br />eliminated, while at the same time addressing some of the concerns posed by Home Depot Since <br />it is in the interest ofboth parties to co-exist in a mutually agreeable manner, minimizing <br />nuisances or other problems, it is important to set forth an understanding regarding <br />responsibilities of each party, <br />Coun Responsibility <br />• Regularly (at least twice weekly) clean up litter and other materials spilled or dropped that is <br />incidental to recycling center operation. This includes paper, etc, that has blown fmm or <br />been illegally dmnped at the recycling center and onto adjacent Home Depot property. <br />• Clean «p illegally dumped materials, including paper, fw°niture, appliances, tires, etc. on a <br />regular basis (at least twice weekly) and within 24 hours following notification by Home <br />Depot management staff to Solid Waste Department management staff. Should that 24-hour <br />period fall on a holiday or weekend, the cleanup will take place on the next regular County <br />workday, <br />• Delineate the area of responsibility for County pick-up of illegally dumped materials or <br />recycling center litter (see attached drawing). <br />• Except for County holidays or weekends, the County will respond to requests from Home <br />Depot regarding litter or illegal dumping immediately when possible, but in all cases within <br />24 hours. Should that 24-hour period fall on a holiday or weekend, the cleanup will take <br />place on the next regular County workday.. <br />• The County will cooperate with Home Depot in pursuing extraordinary instances of illegal <br />dmmping, vandalism, or theft. <br />• County will not block or otherwise unnecessarily impede Home Depot service or customer <br />traffic (ingress/egress) or access to outside storage. <br />Home Depot Responsibility <br />Home Depot will be responsible for materials improperly placed, spilled or otherwise <br />dmnped by Home Depot employees, vendors or customers (where identifiable)., <br />Home Depot will cooperate with the County in pursuing extraordinary instances of illegal <br />dumping, vandalism, or theft. <br />I-Iome Depot will not block or unnecessarily impede service or customer traffic <br />(ingress/egress) to the recycling center. <br />4 <br />