Agenda 5-a - Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and Zoning Atlas Amendments – Modification of Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) Requirements
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Agenda - 06-05-2018
Agenda 5-a - Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and Zoning Atlas Amendments – Modification of Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) Requirements
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Last modified
5/31/2018 4:36:48 PM
Creation date
5/31/2018 4:28:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-05-2018 Regular Board Meeting
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DRAFT <br />MINUTES 1 ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD 2 MAY 2, 2018 3 <br />REGULAR MEETING 4 5 <br /> 6 MEMBERS PRESENT: Randy Marshall (Vice-Chair), Bingham Township Representative; Kim Piracci, At-Large; Randy 7 <br />Marshall, At-Large; David Blankfard, Hillsborough Township Representative; Laura Nicholson, Eno Township 8 <br />Representative; Alexander Gregory, Chapel Hill Township Representative; David Blankfard, Hillsborough Township 9 <br />Representative; Hunter Spitzer, At-Large; Adam Beeman, Cedar Grove Township Representative; Carrie Fletcher, 10 <br />Bingham Township Representative; Lydia Wegman (Chair), At-Large Chapel Hill Township Representative; Patricia 11 <br />Roberts, Cheeks Township Representative; 12 13 MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Guthrie, At-Large Chapel Hill Township; Buddy Hartley, Little River Township 14 <br />Representative; 15 <br /> 16 STAFF PRESENT: Craig Benedict, Planning Director; Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor; Patrick Mallett, 17 <br />Planner II; Ashley Moncado, Planner II; 18 <br /> 19 AGENDA ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 20 <br />Chair Lydia Wegman called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 21 <br /> 22 <br /> 23 AGENDA ITEM 10: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENTS – NIM CLARIFICATIONS - 24 <br />To make a recommendation to the BOCC government-initiated amendments to the text of the UDO 25 <br />that will clarify requirements for Neighborhood Information Meetings (NIM). This item is scheduled 26 <br />for public hearing on June 5, 2018. 27 28 PRESENTER: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 29 <br /> 30 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed that this information begins on Page 65 in the agenda packet. He noted that the intention of 31 <br />these text amendments is to establish uniformity and to better fit the current approval process. This increases the 32 <br />time that neighboring residents have to prepare for a Planning Board meeting after hearing about a project. He said 33 <br />the Planning Department believes these text amendments address all of the concerns that have been expressed 34 <br />about the shortness of time (from the holding of a neighborhood information meeting to the review of an item at the 35 <br />Planning Board or the Board of Adjustment). He noted there are two exceptions to the proposal. There will be a 36 <br />longer time for Class A permits for telecommunication towers 200 feet and taller, as well as for Class B permits for 37 <br />telecommunication towers, which go before the Board of Adjustment and will now have 45 days instead of 42. 38 <br />Neighborhood information meetings for telecommunication towers would continue to take place on a Saturday and 39 <br />the telecommunications company would still have to launch a balloon at the height that the tower would be. 40 <br /> 41 <br />The county’s attorney’s office has determined legal sufficiency. Staff recommends approving the statement of 42 <br />consistency and the proposed UDO text amendment, which begins on Page 73 in the agenda packet. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Chair Lydia Wegman asked about the requirement of a neighborhood meeting at least 14 days before the Planning 45 <br />Board meeting. She asked whether that was sufficient for neighbors, thinking of the Settler’s Point development that 46 <br />recently went through this process. Michael Harvey said it is reasonable but it is hard to say whether adjacent 47 <br />property owners find it sufficient. The Settler’s Point developers held four neighborhood meetings and neighboring 48 <br />property owners were still asking questions at the Planning Board meeting. 49 50 MOTION made by Randy Marshall to approve the statement of consistency in Attachment 2 and UDO text 51 <br />amendments contained in Attachment 3. Seconded by Laura Nicholson. 52 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 53 <br /> 54 <br />Attachment 2 10
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