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Approved 2/17/10 <br />4 <br />Paul Guthrie noted his opposition to the motion is because it is an area where it needs to be extremely specific of 163 <br />what uses the proposal will allow and what it will not allow and this option does not do that. He noted that lawyers 164 <br />would agree the language has to be very specific and it will have to have justifiable reason for limiting facilities. He 165 <br />noted that until that is done, the first case that challenges the County in court would put it back on the drawing board. 166 <br />Paul Guthrie advised he isn’t against some of the proposed recommendations but he thinks it is the wrong way to go 167 <br />about it. 168 <br /> 169 <br /> 170 <br />VII. Safe Routes to School 171 <br /> 172 <br />Nancy Baker informed the Board that the group is having its first steering committee meeting on Thursday, January 173 <br />21 in the planning department conference room. She noted the group’s hope to be able to start with the school 174 <br />kickoff meetings in February or March. She noted that the information about idling is important because right now, 175 <br />parents driving and parking idling cars outside the schools is one of the major ways the kids get home and the points 176 <br />about keeping children healthy are related. 177 <br /> 178 <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke advised the Board that the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School District started an educational 179 <br />program in the elementary school that was voluntary where the school principals worked with the PTAs/PTOs and 180 <br />lobbied for the parents to turn the cars off while waiting. The program was very successful, they are taking further 181 <br />steps to include the middle schools this year. 182 <br /> 183 <br />Randy Marshall noted that signs could be put up at the schools to request parents not leave cars running and to 184 <br />further request the busses not to leave the engines running as well. 185 <br /> 186 <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke noted, as a result of the educational outreach, the parents in Forsyth County changed their 187 <br />behavior beyond the schools. 188 <br /> 189 <br />Randy Marshall noted that the financial savings of the busses not running for upwards of 15 to 30 minutes before the 190 <br />students are loaded would be vast. 191 <br /> 192 <br />Overlapping Conversations 193 <br /> 194 <br /> 195 <br />VIII. Orange County Unified Development Ordinance 196 197 <br />Karen Lincoln advised the draft is not quite ready but noted the Board should start thinking about the transportation 198 <br />ordinances specifically related to the OUTBoard’s charge. 199 <br /> 200 <br />Sam Lasris summarized that there is an Economic Design manual, Zoning Ordinance manual, Subdivision 201 <br />Regulation manual, and two other manuals and everything will be concise into one manual by an outside consultant. 202 <br />It will look at inconsistencies between all five. The OUTBoard will be examining the transportation topics for review 203 <br />and comments. 204 <br /> 205 <br />Overlapping Conversations 206 <br /> 207 <br />Karen Lincoln elaborated regarding the incorporation of the Comprehensive Plan and classifications of streets as an 208 <br />example. She noted other places it come into play is with buffers as it relates to the types of streets. 209 <br /> 210 <br />Sam Lasris noted that if something came up that the Board determined should be included it could be addressed. 211 <br /> 212 <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke agreed that was her understanding from the Planning Board meeting. She added that the 213 <br />consultant will find the similar items from all the manuals and bring them together so there is a common 214 <br />understanding which will then be passed out to the advisory boards that have expertise in that area. 215 <br /> 216