Orange County NC Website
Approved 2/18/09 <br />3 <br />Paul Guthrie agreed and elaborated that the Board pay attention to the vibe or feedback, is there an audience and 111 <br />then at what point and how do you shape the final report or recommendation that attracts the most attention and 112 <br />success. You get a topic or idea you may want to reach out and get a sense of where people are on it. 113 <br /> 114 <br />Karen Lincoln related that in the past boards approached the BOCC for support for projects at planning retreats. She 115 <br />has not been asked to prepare anything this year for such a retreat. In the future there is perhaps the possibility for 116 <br />the OUTBoard to request a work session with the Board of Commissioners to discuss needed projects, etc. 117 <br /> 118 <br />Nancy Baker asked that there be a pedestrian connectivity as part of the comprehensive transportation plan. She 119 <br />informed the members that Hillsborough had just finished up their pedestrian connectivity plan and thinks it would fit 120 <br />right into the comprehensive plan. 121 <br /> 122 <br />Paul Guthrie suggested that the connectivity plan start out in regions or areas where there are currently connectivity 123 <br />issues and then, as the County becomes more developed and urbanized, go to a comprehensive countywide 124 <br />connectivity plan. But start with pieces where there are critical issues. Hillsborough is a great example because 125 <br />there are some very critical issues of connectivity for pedestrians. 126 <br /> 127 <br />Pat Strong suggested that the board might want to consider the comprehensive transportation plan as it relates to 128 <br />funding. Even though the CTP doesn’t have funding restrictions per say, if you are going to the trouble to develop an 129 <br />elaborate multimodal plan, you want some degree of insurance of funding and you must understand the state of 130 <br />affairs as far as funding is concerned. His idea is that the General Assembly Special 21st Century Transportation 131 <br />Committee will resume meeting and those meeting are open to the public. During the course of the year about half 132 <br />are held in Raleigh and the other half dispersed through the State. He has attended many and there are times during 133 <br />the meeting that the subcommittee chair will ask for public comments. He thinks it would benefit the Board to have 134 <br />someone in regular attendance at these meetings. That individual could come back and report on what was heard 135 <br />and its implications. There will be a number of Bills introduce in next years session because it is the beginning of the 136 <br />first year of the bi-annual budget. There will be a lot of talk about funding and budget changes and local options for 137 <br />transportation. They are charged with coming up with a plan and a proposed budget for changes in the 138 <br />transportation laws and funds. 139 <br /> 140 <br />Paul Guthrie asked about getting information from the North Carolina Railroad Commission on the report they issued. 141 <br />He commented on the separation of rail that the big problem is they don’t want to interrupt the freight traffic. Also for 142 <br />the first time they mentioned putting in a system from Goldsboro to Greensboro. 143 <br /> 144 <br />Karen Lincoln will give the Board the handout and possibly do a PowerPoint in the future if requested. The study 145 <br />looked at what would be needed to upgrade the corridor for commuter rail. It has come up with the costs of what 146 <br />would be needed then it has a proposal including costs per mile for each segment. She also mentioned that North 147 <br />Carolina Railroad owns a 200 foot corridor so they are in a position to put in more rail. 148 <br /> 149 <br />Nancy Baker commented that Paul is the perfect choice for being the rail expert and also that in addition to forming 150 <br />groups that members be chosen to be experts on certain topics and that a separate list of experts be created. 151 <br /> 152 <br />Sam Lasris put up the following items: First, periodically the Planning Board would do a ordinance review and since 153 <br />the transportation has not been updated since 1990 he suggested the OUTBoard form a group to tackle the 154 <br />transportation part which will help when getting into the comprehensive transportation plan; Second, he suggested 155 <br />doing the same with the Economic Development Design manual which was created only by staff. It has very little 156 <br />about transportation and should be updated. He suggested that adding sidewalks to the manual it will make it easier 157 <br />going forward. It also ties in with objective of tying land use and transportation. The path would be to give the 158 <br />outcome of the committee to the Planning Board who would in turn give to the Board of Commissioners. 159 <br /> 160 <br /> 161 <br />Bryn Smith would like to see a committee on non asphalt infrastructure, buses and shelters, fleet development, 162 <br />researching new transportation for future strategies. To include both public and private. 163 <br /> 164 <br />Nancy Baker suggested that Bryn and Al be up on all issues for public transportation. Nancy poled members for a 165 <br />volunteer for the airport. Bryn Smith volunteered. 166