Orange County NC Website
Approved May 21, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />4 <br /> 157 <br />Someone asked about congestion mitigation (Section 3-B). Karen Lincoln said there could be a statement to 158 <br />investigate or encourage Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plans for major employers. Jan Grossman 159 <br />added that the solution was not adding more lanes. Karen Lincoln mentioned the TDM manual for Southern Human 160 <br />Service Center. 161 <br /> 162 <br />Karen Barrows asked how section F (encourage safer interaction between car drivers and bicycle riders) was going 163 <br />to happen. Nancy Baker said there needs to be more education regarding driving on roads where there is significant 164 <br />bicycle traffic, for users of both modes. This may be incorporated into the Driver’s Education program. Sam Lasris 165 <br />added we could state promote safer interaction between bicycle riders and drivers through education. 166 <br /> 167 <br />Commissioner Gordon noted that Carrboro had been left out of 5-A (plan with other groups in the County). 168 <br /> 169 <br />Other comments were directed at the draft Transportation Element prepared by the consultant, and noted: 170 <br />• there are typos; 171 <br />• maps need to be better; 172 <br />• transportation related objectives that came from other advisory boards should be cross referenced; 173 <br />• some of the charts are outdated; 174 <br />• the plan does not address air quality; and 175 <br />• the plan does not address freight 176 <br />• issues. 177 <br /> 178 <br />Sam Lasris moved to the Needs Assessment and asked for the Board’s opinion about them. Eric Tillman stated a 179 <br />number 7 should be added, “Increase transit cooperation between public and private transit providers”. 180 <br /> 181 VI. Buckhorn Village Class A Special Use Permit – Planned Development 182 <br /> 183 <br />Sam Lasris moved to the next item, the Buckhorn Village Planned Development. 184 <br /> 185 <br />Nancy Baker stated there were many examples of similar shopping center developments and maybe they should be 186 <br />consulted for good examples of how they integrate into communities. 187 <br /> 188 <br />Sam Lasris reiterated that comments should be submitted to Karen and those will be forwarded to the developer and 189 <br />submitted to the Board of County Commissioners at the continuation of the Public Hearing on April 1. He stated that 190 <br />the Board of County Commissioners will listen to all of the comments and they would be in the public record. 191 <br /> 192 <br />Eric Tillman stated that he had not been to the public hearing but the Petro station traffic was terrible now. 193 <br /> 194 <br />Sam Lasris asked if the DOT would present its recommendations at the Public Hearing. Karen Lincoln stated a 195 <br />revised Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not submitted until a week before the Public Hearing. The NCDOT review 196 <br />of the TIA takes 60 – 90 days, so we will not know NCDOT’s comments by then. The NCDOT will respond in writing 197 <br />to the developer and the County. Sam Lasris asked if DOT does their review on buildout and Karen Lincoln 198 <br />responded no. DOT would look at anticipated traffic generated by the development and what exists now. 199 <br /> 200 <br />Karen Barrows asked for clarification on Section V. Karen Lincoln answered this was a requirement of the 201 <br />development and this would be a part of the Special Use Permit. Also, a bike and sidewalk plan is required for all 202 <br />planned developments. 203 <br /> 204 <br />Nancy Baker asked about connectivity. Karen Lincoln answered that all major subdivision proposals are reviewed for 205 <br />connectivity, and those subdivisions are usually required to provide a stub out to adjacent undeveloped properties or 206 <br />to connect to adjacent development where possible. Sam Lasris stated he had not seen anything be required as far 207 <br />as connectivity unless it was required by size. 208