Orange County NC Website
Approved 1-16-2008 <br />3 <br />Rich Shaw: No, The basic idea is for pedestrians but because some of the trail follows roads it could be used for <br />bicycle use as well. <br /> <br />Bryn Smith: It will not be paved? <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: No. Unless it’s going through an urban area. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: The Friends of Bolin Creek route when they were planning a trail along Bolin Creek is that the one <br />that will run through Twin Creeks thru Carrboro? <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: The Town of Carrboro has a greenway plan and one of our acquisitions thru the Lands Legacy was for <br />the Adams track along Bolin Creek. Our main purpose was to protect this 27 acre greenway adjacent to Wilson Park. <br />We have met with the Friends of Bolin Creek. We have put ideas on the table on how to do it thru these various <br />areas.. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: You think their plan is a greenway along the length of Bolin Creek through the ETJ of Carrboro. <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: That is my understanding. That park is not under construction yet but it is going thru the approval <br />process. There is school being built adjacent to that park. It will have a greenway through that park. <br /> <br />Bryn Smith: Is it the County or City? <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: City. <br /> <br />Pascale Mittendorf: Can we view these maps somewhere? <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: We can scan this and add make it available on our website or make copes available. <br /> <br />Eric Tillman: When people have restrictions on their land, are they financially compensated? <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: There are two ways. Sometimes the County pays for the appraised value of the rights that they are <br />giving up. Sometimes they will be paid a portion and they will donate a portion because of the tax benefits. <br />Sometimes they will donate it outright for the tax benefits. <br /> <br />Eric Tillman: Who is responsible for maintaining a greenway? <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: If it is in the city limits, if the Town built it and they maintain it. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: What about the County? <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: The County has the responsibility by either themselves or volunteers. The department of Recreation <br />and Parks would also participate. It depends on where the trail is and what arrangements can be made. <br /> <br />Jan Grossman: Can the landfill land be used as parkland or trail land? <br /> <br />Rich Shaw: I wondered that myself. <br /> <br />Bryn Smith: A lot of it is currently in Chapel Hill. The Rainbow Soccer fields are old landfills but there are issues with <br />using them. <br />