OUTBoard minutes 091907
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 091907
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/31/2018 3:38:19 PM
Creation date
5/31/2018 3:38:12 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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<br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: This wouldn’t be TIP money. It may be partly funded by the school. <br /> <br />VII. Road Improvement List <br /> <br />Robert Peterson: Let’s go on to the Road Improvement List. The question is how do we start gathering this list? <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: For the last two weeks, there were survey crews at NC 54 and Dobson’s Crossroads and I have <br />stopped and asked what they are doing. <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: They are putting in turn lanes. They are also putting in turn lanes at NC54 at White Cross and NC 54 <br />at a subdivision road. Those locations were on the NCDOT spot safety list. There is a limit on how much money for <br />each project you can use from spot safety funds. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: Those are all well and good but those road improvements are things that we were not notified <br />about. What is the order of things? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: We need to develop a list of road sections that need improvements first. The spot safety program is <br />based on road segments having high crash rates or where there have been recurring accidents of a specific type. <br />The projects were chosen because the benefit/cost ratio indicated that the proposed improvements would yield the <br />highest benefits at those locations. <br /> <br />Pat Strong: The spot safety funding is roughly 10 million per year. Every two years there is a report issued that <br />identifies critical needs. There is a ranking committee at the DOT that reviews the report and decides how that <br />money is spent. <br /> <br />Robert Peterson: The DOT does that based on their data and inspection. <br /> <br />Jan Grossman: They may put more emphasis on car/car or car/property. <br /> <br />Pat Strong: The Executive Committee may. For the bicycle and vehicle interactions, Orange County was <br />overrepresented on that list. There are certain areas where there have been problems. I have the 2005 list. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: Are these areas being addressed and we don’t know it? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: They review quarterly. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: This is a good opportunity to take a look at that list. <br /> <br />Pat Strong: You will see excluded and non-excluded locations. That program is fail-safe to make sure the money is <br />spent wisely. <br /> <br />Robert Peterson: I think we have good representation on this board. There are many different people we could <br />reach out to for input to develop the list of road segments. Jan is our bicycle advocate representative. <br /> <br />Jan Grossman: I think the better input would come from motorists. They would know better than cyclists where they <br />have problems with bicycle traffic. Eric would know other transportation providers who have better knowledge of <br />road conditions throughout the County. <br /> <br />Eric Tillman: We probably travel the roads more than the average guy. The places with construction slow us down. <br />I may be able to get some input.
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