Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />Robert Peterson: Is it possible to have the Chair and Vice Chair along with Karen to submit comments after receiving <br />comments from board members? <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: So moved. <br /> <br />Jim Ray: Seconded. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: Who determined Orange County’s local priority rankings? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: Our rankings had all of our projects ranked 1 through 9. Lead Planning Agency Staff (LPA) re-ranked <br />the projects by mode. Whatever the first highest ranking road project we had the LPA ranked that our number one <br />road project. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: I can’t believe Homestead Road was our number one. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: Homestead was one, South Churton was two, three was NC 86 North widening and US 70 bypass <br />widening was number four. <br /> <br />Sam Lasris: Does it matter past numbers one and two? There are people that are opposed to the #24, US 70 <br />bypass widening. Is it worth our time to hear the opposition or do we have to go on record? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: You can go on record. It is no where near being funded. <br /> <br />Sam Lasris: As long as it doesn’t make a difference that right now we are for the widening but we might change our <br />minds at a later date. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: We only had six roads on the Orange County list and the sixth one is ranked 6th. <br /> <br />Bryn Smith: They’ve are in a different DOT region. <br /> <br />Pascale Mittendorf: What puzzles me is that we had Homestead Road as number one. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: Was that being done right now anyway? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: A lot of things have been done. That project had been one of our number one priorities because of <br />the schools for a long time. It was fully funded in one of the TIP’s and about that time Carolina North came in view. <br />Chapel Hill realized they were going to have to move their maintenance facility for the transit system. They asked <br />DOT instead of Homestead Road to use those funds. So it left Homestead Road as an unfunded project. DOT <br />worked with us and the board member approved to do the work around the schools. They have completed <br />improvements but they did that using other funds not TIP money. <br /> <br />Bryn Smith: As a project Homestead Road predates the current board? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: Yes. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: Will there be improvements around the new Elementary School # 10 on Eubanks? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: I think so. Something has to be done at Old NC 86 and Eubanks. DOT is working with the schools. <br /> <br />Randy Marshall: Do those funds come from our pocket?