Orange County NC Website
<br />4 <br />4 <br />Robert Peterson: You are talking about making all two-lane highways into four-lane <br />highways? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: Only on this system. <br /> <br />Robert Peterson: How many total miles of roads are there in North Carolina? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: Just under 80,000. <br /> <br />Pascale Mittendorf: Regarding the 3,600 miles; the General Assembly would not be in <br />a position to allocate that money? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: There is a provision to change the formula. <br /> <br />Jan Grossman: Does the road have to be in this list to be eligible? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: Yes. <br /> <br />Finally, we have Federal Aid money from Washington that has to be matched. Typically <br />federal aid would provide 80 percent (for a project) the State provides 20 percent. The <br />State’s match would come from the Highway Trust Fund. <br /> <br />Jan Grossman: You can do that even though it is not going toward one of those roads. <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: Because it is in the statute. The statute allows for a fund transfer, an <br />administrative take down primarily for NCDOT to manage the program and the Federal <br />aid match. Federal money comes in various core programs. There are also small <br />miscellaneous programs, which make up one percent of our budget. Money is also <br />earmarked for some high priority projects. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: Can you give an example? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: The American Tobacco Trail. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: I don’t see anything about pedestrian or bike trails. <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality) is used for sidewalks and <br />bike lanes or anything that would have an established benefit for improving air quality. <br /> <br />Jan Grossman: Are you showing how the State is dividing it? How do they know what <br />is earmarked? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: When Congress designates earmarks, it works out to six percent and <br />Congress decides what to do with it. <br />