OUTBoard minutes 081507
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 081507
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/31/2018 3:38:06 PM
Creation date
5/31/2018 3:37:58 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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<br />10 <br />10 <br />Mike Stanley: One thing in this TIP Cycle is the DA (demand attributable) funds that <br />DCHC (the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization) has. <br />One option would be to work through the MPO and tap some of those monies. <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: The County, would be required to provide a match to use DA funds. We <br />have to have a matching source of funds. It would be 80% STP-DA funds with a 20% <br />local match. <br /> <br />Jan Grossman: If we want to take a road that is being repaved by the State but we <br />want to add a one-foot paved shoulder, where would that money come from? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: It depends on the magnitude and length of that project. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: Who comes up with the (funding) ideas? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: The regional office. Generally they look at matching sources of money. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: Like Safe Routes to School programs. <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: That is a separate program. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: We may need to look at that. <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: For some bicycle projects that we have requested in the TIP, some <br />OUTBoard members have noted that improvements to the road to enhance safety for <br />bicyclists would be sufficient. How could you ask for TIP project money for types of <br />improvements like wider paved shoulders or improving sight distance in blind curves <br />using the spiral curve? <br /> <br />Robert Peterson: Is there some way to sit down with someone and explain situations, <br />i.e. making roads safer, etc? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: It depends on the source. If we have a project that is funded, it would be <br />a matter of coordination. <br /> <br />Robert Peterson: Is it possible on the larger projects also? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: Yes. <br /> <br />Alice Gordon: What percentage of the 30% (of the federal transportation funds) STP <br />Program, is the DA? <br /> <br />Mike Stanley: DA funds are 20-25% of the STP budget. <br /> <br />Alice Gordon: Who decides where to spend the STP money? <br />
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