Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> <br />Pat Middendorf: Can one do an upgrade without the other? <br /> <br />Alice Gordon: I don’t know. <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: The functional classification is something you want to consider with your Comprehensive <br />Transportation Plan. You have a State and Federal classification. <br /> <br />Alice Gordon: How much of an upgrade can be done with the system that is in place? And can we determine if we <br />need to make a change to figure out the best way. <br /> <br />Bryn Smith: My question is on page 2, concerning the 20% of the cost- Do you submit the whole cost? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: Yes. The cost of the project is what is submitted. <br /> <br />Bryn Smith: Not only do we have to have the project but also temporary funding. <br /> <br />Craig Benedict: Part of the process was to have the annual goal for the budgetary implication of goals. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: For part of the project? <br /> <br />Craig Benedict: Yes. <br /> <br />Sam Lasris: What is a realistic amount or size of a project? <br /> <br />Craig Benedict: We can analyze to find out which ones get funded. Typically under $200,000-250,000. <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: In one of the handouts, there is a draft of 2009-2015 Improvement Programs; there are projects <br />separated by type. In item E, those are all enhancements projects. They are on page 7-38. The arrows are Orange <br />County’s projects. <br /> <br />Alice Gordon: What is the hand written comment? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: The contract to do the Park and Ride Lot, in the agreement states in years 10 and 11, is funded by <br />TARPO. The arrows on the left side are projects that have changed. Most have already been completed. <br /> <br />Nancy Baker: These projects are the ones that someone has actually used. <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: Yes. I’ll get more information to you about this. Most of it is on the application. There are about 12 <br />categories. <br /> <br />Sam Lasris: Will we see those categories? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: I am going to get information to you on that. <br /> <br />Sam Lasris: What do you see as a timeline for this board? <br /> <br />Karen Lincoln: What you could do is have some idea of the areas that need improvement so you will have a list <br />ready. <br /> <br />Sam Lasris: Is that separate from List A?