Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: FCE70B2B- BDD5- 4805- A75F- 510898FD8EEC <br />C. For the composition of the one -page HOME Committee document, I shall provide <br />writing and editing services within the following timeline: <br />• Composition from concept to completion will require up to 10 working hours. This <br />project will be turned around in roughly 7 business days. <br />IV. Payment of Services <br />I propose to provide 80 hours of work on the preparation of the Written Standards, averaging <br />roughly 5 hours per page for both phases one and two of the editing process. <br />At a rate of $37.50 per hour, the preparation of the Written Standards would total $2,000.00. <br />The cost of preparation for the HOME Committee one -page document (see III. C of Timeline) <br />will be charged for 10 hours at $37.50 per hour, totaling $375.00. <br />Contract total -- $2,375.00 <br />