Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 454AC100- 1926- 4795- B94B- 86B8B3246CC0 <br />WASH Mi.Net Network <br />Site Overview <br />This scope of work document details the site specific information for a Mi.Hub collectors to be installed <br />within the Town of Chapel Hill Permitting jurisdiction. <br />Scope of work <br />Each site will have unique requirements that will be documented individually later in this document. All <br />sites will utilize the Mi.Hub XR Collector; which consists of the Mi.Hub enclosure and remote mount <br />antenna. Detailed installation instructions are provided for Mi.Hub XR in the corresponding installation <br />manual provided under separate cover. <br />Schedule <br />Mueller Systems is requesting the installation be scheduled upon agreement. Standard workweek is <br />assumed, and no work would be required outside "normal business hours" of approximately 8:00am to <br />5:00pm Monday through Friday. A project manager from Mueller Systems will be onsite at all times, and <br />a project manager from OWASA will be on call during the installation timeframe. Access to all sites will be <br />pre - arranged by Mueller Systems with school contacts and all sites will be available for work over <br />consecutive days. Mueller Systems' installation timeframe assumes one working day to complete this site. <br />Mueller Systems will coordinate the work with OWASA and any other site specific contacts to ensure <br />mutually agreeable dates are selected for installation. <br />Page 4 of E 1 <br />