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cost basis by the Conti-actor. Expenditures submitted for reimbursement shall include all eligible <br />cost incurred witbin the Period Covered. I'he Period Covered represents the monthly or <br />quarterly tiniefrarne in which the project reports expenditures to I-lie Department. All payments <br />issued by the Department will be on a reimbursable basis unless the Contractor requests and the <br />Department approves an advance payment. The Department allows grantees in good standing to <br />request advance payment (prior to issuing payment to the vendor) for vehicles and other high-cost <br />capital items. The Contractor agrees to deposit any advance payments into its account when received <br />and issue payment to the vendor within 3 (three) business days. The aniOUnt of reimbursement from <br />the Department shall not exceed the funds budgeted in the approved Project Budget The Contractor <br />shall initiate and prosecute to completion all actions necessary to enable the Contractor to provide its <br />share of project costs at or prior to the time that such funds are needed to meet project costs. The <br />Contractor shall provide its share of project costs frorn sources other than FTA and State funds from <br />the Department. Any costs for work not eligible for Federal and State participation shall be financed <br />one hundred percent (100%) by the Contractor. <br />b. Administrative Expenditures, In order to assist the Contractor in financi ngi tile <br />administrative costs of the project, the Department shall reimburse the Contractor up to tile percentage <br />specified in the Approved Project Budget of allowable administrative costs which shall be determined <br />by available funding. <br />C. Operafing_E_xpenditures. In order to assist in financing the operating costs of the <br />project, the Department shall reimburse the Contractor for the lesser of the following when providing <br />Section 5311 operating assistance: <br />(1) The balance of unrecovered operating expenditures after deducting all farebox <br />and other operating revenues, or <br />d. Payment and Reimbursement. The Contractor shall submit a request for <br />reimbursement to the Department for the Period Covered not more frequently than monthly, nor less <br />frequently than quarterly, reporting on the department's Uniform Public Transportation Accounting <br />System (UPTAS) invoicing forms furnished by the Department for work performed under- this <br />Agreement. Expenditures submitted for reimburseirrient shall include all eligible cost incurred <br />within the Period Covered. Failure to request reimbursement for expenses incurred within the <br />Period Covered may result in non-payment.. All requests for reimbursement must be submitted <br />within (30) days follouwingi the end of the project's reporting period. Any contractor that fails to <br />subunit a request for reimbursement for the first two quarters of agreement fiscal year by <br />January 31"t or the last two quarters by July 301"' will forfeit their ability to receive, <br />reimbursement for those periods. <br />Additional forms must be submitted with reimbursement requests to report on contracting activities with <br />Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms. Invoices shall be supported by documentation of <br />costs unless otherwise waived by the Department, All requests must be submitted within thirty (30) <br />days following the end of the quarter. Failure to request reirnbursement for eligible projects costs as <br />outlined may result in termination of the Project. Invoices shall be approved by the Department's Public <br />Transportation Division and reviewed by the Department's External Audit Branch prior to payment, <br />e. Excluded Costs, The Contractor understands and agrees that, except to the extent <br />the Department determines otherwise in writing, ineligible costs will be treated as follows: <br />(1) In determining the amount of Federal/State assistance the Department <br />will provide, the Department will exclude: <br />(a) Any Project cost incurred by the Contractor before the effective <br />date of the grant; <br />(b) Any cost that is not included in the latest Approved Project <br />Budget; <br />(c) Any cost for Project property or services received in connection <br />Updated 9/17/10 Page 7 of 35 <br />