Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 280A3420- CB5F- 4Fl4- 8EF3- 2086OE7E30BC <br />• Delivery of site to hosting platform <br />• 30 -day warranty after site is launched <br />• Hosting and Service Level Agreements available upon request <br />*Stock photography costs are not included in this proposal. Once photography needs have been <br />identified for the new design, we will provide a quote for the hard cost of stock photography. <br />Timeline: <br />A website project takes approximately 12 -16 weeks to complete. After the proposal is approved we will <br />set up a kick -off meeting to determine the exact project scope and a more detailed timeline will be <br />provided at that time. <br />Additional Considerations <br />Here are a couple of options for you to consider including in your website that we can include in your <br />new website for additional costs: <br />Social Media Feeds Cost: $270 + plugin hard cost <br />Our proposal includes having social icons throughout your website that will link to your social media <br />profiles, but if you want to have the feeds show directly on your site we will research the best plugin <br />option that will show the feeds as well as customize the plugin to work within your site. <br />Commercial Listing Integration Using iFrames: $405 (subscription fees not included) <br />Your current site uses an iFrame from Xceligent to show a map with commercial listings. We can <br />integrate the same functionality also using iFrames. <br />This does not include full API listing integration if Xceligent offers that. <br />Full API Listing Integration (if available from Xceligent): $1,350 (subscription and set up fees charged by <br />Xceligent are not included) <br />If this is available through Xceligent, we will research the API integration requirements and have a call <br />with a representative to gather all details. We will then design the listing page and detail pages based on <br />the requirements /restrictions and then program the integration into the website (non iFrame). <br />Training and Warranty <br />The Able Agency Company, Inc. will provide both training and documentation for your specific <br />WordPress installation. A total of two hours of training will be provided on your CMS. <br />During the first training session, we will cover WordPress basics in addition to specific customizations to <br />your WordPress installation that drive special features of the website. There will be a brief Q &A at the <br />end of the training session. User accounts will then be generated for the admin staff that requires access <br />and you are encouraged to login, become familiar with both the websites' front- and back -end before <br />