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Rezoning - Charlotte Mecklenburg Planning Commission Attachment 3 9 <br />If you want to know your land's zoning classification, you may call or visit <br />the Zoning Division of the Land Use and Environmental Services <br />Department of Mecklenburg County located in the Hal Marshall Building <br />(700 North Tryon Street) at 704/336 -3569 or the Planning Commission Map <br />Room on the eighth floor of the Charlotte - Mecklenburg Government Center <br />(600 E. 4th Street) at 704/336 - 2205, You must know the property's tax <br />parcel number, street address or the property owner's name to determine <br />the zoning classification. <br />The tax parcel number can be found on the tax map, the tax notice, or by <br />visiting the Mecklenburg County Tax Department's website <br />Although the tax information will include details about the zoning <br />classification, the official zoning can only be obtained from the official <br />zoning maps. If needed, a letter verifying the zoning classification may be <br />obtained from the Zoning Administrator's Office, <br />For information on what land uses and development activities are allowed <br />under each zoning classification, see the charts in this brochure or the <br />zoning regulations, The zoning regulations are available at the Planning <br />Commission or by visiting the Charlotte- Mecklenburg Planning <br />Commission's website: <br />HOW TO FILE A REQUEST FOR REZONING <br />Petitions for reclassification of property or a text amendment are filed with <br />the Planning Commission accompanied by the fee. No application for <br />reclassification of property will be accepted until it is complete. Application <br />forms, which include a fee schedule, are available at the Planning <br />Commission office or by visiting the website: An <br />amendment for the reclassification of property to a conditional zoning <br />district may be initiated only by the owner of a legal interest in the affected <br />property, any person having an interest in the property by reason of a <br />written contract with owner, or an agent authorized in writing to act on the <br />owner's behalf. <br />To facilitate the process, it is recommended that petitioners meet with <br />Planning Commission staff before submitting an application to discuss how <br />it fits with the appropriate area plan and existing development. <br />WITHDRAWAL AND AMENDMENT OF PETITION <br />Applications may be amended during the approval process, and may also <br />be withdrawn by the petitioner at any time up to the submittal date for the <br />legal advertisement for the petition. After that time, the petitioner may file a <br />request to withdraw the petition with the Planning Director and no portion of <br />the filing fee will be refunded. The City Council shall decide, on the date <br />scheduled for the hearing, whether to allow the withdrawal. If a petitioner <br />withdraws a petition prior to the submittal date for the legal advertisement, <br />one -half (1 /2) of the filing fee will be refunded. Any petition for which a valid <br />protest petition has been invoked shall not be withdrawn unless the protest <br />petition is withdrawn or deemed invalid due to the withdrawal of signatures. <br />http: / / epartments [ Planning /Rezoning/Home htm 2 /22/2005 <br />