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Rezoning - Charlotte Mecklenburg Planning Commission Attachment 3 12 <br />• Individuals who oppose the request are then allowed a total of 10 minutes <br />to present their comments against the request. <br />• Proponents are then allowed two minutes in rebuttal, <br />• If there is no opposition to the request, and the elected officials have no <br />questions for staff, the normal hearing procedures are waived. If the <br />petitioner wishes to address the elected body, a total of three minutes is <br />allowed. <br />Both proponents and opponents may use visual aides and distribute <br />handouts to the elected officials and Zoning Committee members, Because <br />of the limitations on speaking time, large groups are encouraged to <br />designate one spokesperson for their point of view. <br />City Council may not vote on conditional rezonings during the period <br />between the date of a municipal election and when the new body is sworn <br />in This generally encompasses the first week of November through the first <br />week of December. However, the rezoning may be approved if no one <br />spoke against it at the public hearing and no valid protest petition was filed. <br />If a valid protest petition is filed against a conditional rezoning originally <br />scheduled for a public hearing in a municipal election year between October <br />1 and when the new Council takes office, both the public hearing and <br />decision are postponed until the new Council is sworn in <br />FINAL STEPS <br />After the public hearing is held, the Zoning Committee of the Planning <br />Commission makes a recommendation to the appropriate elected body in a <br />public meeting held on the fourth Wednesday in the same month as the <br />public hearing, This committee is made up of citizens who have been <br />appointed to the Commission by City Council, County Commission, <br />Charlotte - Mecklenburg School Board or the Mayor of Charlotte. Although <br />this is a meeting and not a hearing, the petitioner and proponents and <br />opponents of the rezoning are encouraged to attend and be available to <br />answer questions. Anyone may file a written statement of rebuttal or <br />support to the staffs analysis or the Zoning Committee's recommendation <br />A total of thirty -one (31) copies are required to be hand delivered or mailed <br />to the Planning Commission's office no later than 12 P.M noon, on the <br />Friday prior to the scheduled date for decision, which is typically the next <br />regularly scheduled rezoning meeting <br />Decisions on rezonings are rendered by the City Council at the regularly <br />scheduled rezoning meeting in the next month after the Zoning Committee <br />recommendations are made, which is typically on the third Monday of the <br />month <br />AFTER THE DECISION <br />A petition for reclassification of property or amendments to the text of these <br />regulations that has been denied in whole or in part or approved to a <br />classification other than the one originally requested, shall not be <br />http: / /www.charnneck org/ Departments /Planning/Rezoning/Home.htm 2/22/2005 <br />