Agenda - 02-28-2005-c1
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Agenda - 02-28-2005
Agenda - 02-28-2005-c1
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Rezoning - Charlotte Mecklenburg Planning Commission Attachment 3 11 <br />Rezoning applications and accompanying site plans, staff analyses, Zoning <br />Committee recommendations and the City of Charlotte Zoning Ordinance <br />may be accessed via the Charlotte - Mecklenburg Planning Commission's <br />website: <br />PROTEST PETITIONS <br />A protest petition may be filed opposing the rezoning application, requiring <br />that the rezoning pass by a three - fourths majority of the City Council and <br />Mayor, rather than a simple majority (there may be less than a twelve <br />member voting body because a voting member may be excused due to a <br />conflict of interest). A petition protesting any reclassification of property <br />must be signed by the owners of 20 percent or more, either of the area of <br />the lots included in the proposed amendment, or of those immediately <br />adjacent thereto either in the rear thereof or on either side thereof, <br />extending 100 feet therefrom, or of those directly opposite thereto extending <br />100 feet from the street frontage of the opposite lots, The protest petition <br />shall include the signature and address of each protesting property owner <br />and a map showing the location of the property of each owner signing the <br />protest petition in relation to the property that is the subject of the <br />amendment being protested. <br />Per North Carolina State Statute, a protest petition may not be filed against <br />an amendment to an approved conditional plan unless the proposed <br />amendment does any one of the following: (1) changes the types of uses <br />that are permitted; or (2) increases the approved density for residential <br />development; (3) increases the total approved size of nonresidential <br />development; or (4) reduces the size of any buffers or screening. <br />An application form for a protest petition must be properly filled out Details <br />on how to file a protest petition are included on the protest petition form. <br />These forms and instructions are available at the City Clerk's Office (600 E. <br />Fourth Street) at (704)336 -2248, or by visiting the City Clerk's website: <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING <br />Zoning public hearings are held on a regularly scheduled monthly basis. <br />(See schedule at the back of this brochure ) The City Council holds its <br />rezoning hearings on the third Monday of the month, The hearing is also <br />attended by members of the Planning Commission's Zoning Committee. <br />The hearings typically start at 6 p.m and are held in the meeting chamber <br />at the Charlotte- Mecklenburg Government Center. Proponents and <br />opponents of the petition are encouraged to attend, as well as any other <br />interested individuals. Anyone, including petitioners agents, wishing to <br />speak in support of or in opposition to any petition must contact the City <br />Clerk's office (600 E. Fourth Street) at 704 - 336 -2248 or via fax at 704 -336- <br />7588 and be added to the list of speakers. <br />The following procedure is customarily followed: <br />• Planning staff presents a brief report explaining the request and describes <br />the land uses and zoning classifications in the surrounding area and the <br />nature of the rezoning request. <br />• The applicant and other individuals who support the request are allowed a <br />total of 10 minutes to present their comments in favor of a request. <br />http: / /www Departments / Planning /Rezoning/Home.htm 2 /22/2005 <br />
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