Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 3 <br />Improved (increased) transit service <br />®New facilities associated with a service [JNew vehicles used to expand the transit fleet <br />increase <br />®Operating assistance for new service (limit ❑Fare subsidies as part of a program to limit exceedances of <br />three years see question 8) NAAQS <br />Emissions Criteria <br />3. What are the annual expected emissions before and after project completion? <br />Pollutant Annual Emissions before Annual emissions after Difference <br />implementation implementation <br />Carbon Monoxide <br />Volatile Organic <br />192.598 kg <br />-Compounds <br />Oxides of Nitrogen 268.036 kg <br />4. The emissions estimate is ®quantitative ❑qualitative. <br />5. Briefly, describe the method used to estimate the emissions reduction. <br />Method for Transit Centers on pages 7 and 9 of "Off -Model Air Quality Analysis: <br />A Compendium of Practice ", Federal Highway Administration, Southern Resource <br />Center August 1999. <br />Transit Center: Daily emissions reductions = auto reductions — bus increase. <br />New Service:Daily Emissions Reduction = Emissions Factors for Pollutant X VMT <br />Capital Costs <br />Federal Share <br />(CMAQ) $ <br />$111.261 <br />Federal Share <br />(CMAQ) $ <br />Federal Share <br />(CMAQ) $ <br />$408,261 <br />Financial Information <br />Local Match (20% Total $ <br />minimum) $ <br />$27,815 $139,C <br />ance <br />Local Match (50 %)$ Total $ <br />Expected Project <br />Life (Years) <br />1 <br />Expected Project <br />Life (Years) <br />Local Match $ Total $ Expected Project <br />Life (Years) <br />$324,815 $733,076 4 <br />