Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 69D86187- DEOC -4BBD- 9424- B7236F3D282B <br />o Execute testing to ensure that the end product conforms to the <br />APCO /CSAA ANS 2.101.2 -2014 standard. <br />o Certify the installed product to be conformant with the APCO /TMA <br />ANS 2.101.2 -2014 upon successful completion of test plan. <br />• Oversee training of PSAP staff in learning CAD enhancements to <br />accommodate the ASAP program. <br />The above scope of work for the Orange County, North Carolina 911 project is <br />estimated to "not to exceed" 40 hours of effort. The hourly rate is $125 for a total <br />price of $5,000. Actual travel expenses incurred are additional, and independent <br />of the consulting pricing. The "not to exceed" cost for travel will be $1,500 for <br />three nights with sufficient advanced notice. <br />On -going coordination services with newly connected alarm companies with the <br />ASAP program is offered at an additional cost. <br />Please note we will not schedule Bill's visit until we receive a Purchase Order or <br />equivalent document from Orange County, North Carolina 911. Currently, we are <br />scheduling out 60 days. <br />Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification. I can be <br />reached at 937 - 425 -0411, or at mmcglone We look forward to <br />working with you. <br />Sincerely, <br />Mike McGlone <br />Market Development Manager <br />