Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 69D86187- DEOC -4BBD- 9424- B7236F3D282B <br />For the next few years, until more PSAP practitioners develop hands -on <br />expertise in using the ASAP Service, the pool of persons with ASAP <br />implementation experience is limited. Consequently, Bill is in the unique position <br />of being the best person to provide knowledge and expertise to a PSAP <br />interested in implementing an ASAP Service connection to their CAD. <br />I am proposing the Scope of Work listed below for consulting and project <br />management services to assist you in implementing Superion's connection to the <br />ASAP Service. CommSys will utilize Bill Hobgood to provide these services. <br />CommSys offers the following consulting and project management services for <br />ASAP implementations: <br />• Develop implementation plan for ASAP, based on agency requirements. <br />• Provide professional services to support the implementation. <br />CommSys will provide your agency with professional services for the following <br />aspects of the project. <br />• Coordinate efforts with the agency's executive stakeholders, the agency's <br />CAD provider, state message switch /control point officials, the TMA, and <br />alarm monitoring companies: (broken out below) <br />o Coordinate with the agency's CAD provider the installation of the <br />CAD provider's interface application solution in both a Test <br />environment and a Production environment as applicable. These <br />may be done at separate times. <br />o Coordinate with those alarm companies that are operating in <br />production with the ASAP project and with agency officials through <br />cutover to production activities. <br />• Work with Agency personnel to develop policy and procedures to support <br />ASAP within the dispatch activities. <br />• Train Agency Personnel in supporting alarm company address rectification <br />and correction efforts. Liaison with initial alarm companies for the initial <br />address "Scrub" <br />Superion ASAP Interface Testing and Verification (on premise at agency) <br />o Establish a test plan and extend test cases as appropriate for the <br />agency. <br />