Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> <br />with the last phase of their development. It’s our understanding that an engineering review of <br />the bridge crossings required to complete this connection is being conducted. What funding, if <br />any, has the County allotted to Twin Creeks Parks and the completion of the connector road? <br />We recommend that the Commissioners and BoA discuss the North-South Connector Road <br />project at their next joint meeting. <br /> <br />Carrboro Advisory Board Guidelines and Staff Resources: <br />We would like to report that over the past year the communication and dissemination of <br />materials to the NTAAC have improved. Yet we remain concerned that the newly enacted <br />advisory board guidelines (Rules of Procedure for Town of Carrboro Boards and Commissions <br />Administrative Policy) have already had the consequence of canceling our March meeting due <br />to lack of Staff resources. (IE Item 4. Meeting agenda… If the agenda is not posted prior to <br />96 hrs. of the meeting, the meeting will be cancelled and items will be continued to the <br />next properly posted meeting.) The NTAAC cannot complete our charge or even meet <br />without dedicated and consistent staff. We meet once a month, a cancellation is more <br />consequential for us compared to other advisory boards who meet more frequently. Also as <br />you may know, the NTAAC is the only board whose members are not the constituents of the <br />BoA. We can’t vote for them, only the Orange County Commissioners. <br /> <br />The rest of the NTAAC’s projects from the past year are listed below in the report. As you can <br />see, the majority of these projects involve Old NC 86. We believe this focus will continue into <br />the future. We have accomplished our work while having committee vacancies and membership <br />turn over, monthly meetings (if not cancelled), and limited staff resources. <br /> <br />Thank you for your time and this opportunity to provide this update. Do you have any <br />questions? <br /> <br />Proposed FLX Applicant/Development at Old NC 86 and Eubanks Roads: <br />As the Commissioners may know, the NTAAC has spent significant time (i.e., years) addressing <br />proposed development and zoning changes within the Northern Transitional Area (NTA). In <br />2011, our members attended a two day charrette, along with other neighbors and citizens. This <br />charrette developed plans and brought forth concerns and interests regarding the development <br />of the property located at the corner of Old NC 86 and Eubanks Road. We have participated in <br />all of the public hearings and meetings concerning this development and new zoning. We have <br />also offered detailed recommendations. Nevertheless, the NTAAC still finds FLZ zoning <br />confusing, especially after attending the 2/7/2017 BoA meeting when the FLX applicant was <br />approved to apply for FLX even though all the zoning terms were not met. We anticipate that an <br />application for FLX zoning will be submitted once the current Eubanks construction projects are <br />completed and may need the county’s assistance to interpret the FLX zoning. <br /> <br />Multi-use Paths Along Homestead Road and Greenway Connectors: <br />The NTAAC participated in several meetings concerning the developments at the corner of <br />Homestead Road and Lake Hogan Subdivision. On 9/20/2017, we also attended a public <br />hearing with the Board of Adjustment to emphasize our recommendation that, in lieu of two <br />sidewalks (for the interior project), a multi-use path be added to the developments along <br />Homestead Road. Our recommendations were denied though this path would facilitate <br />pedestrian and bicycle safety. Carrboro is not a continuous town but the construction of multi- <br />use paths along main roads as development occurs is a good solution to promoting citizen <br />safety and enjoyment of the area. The NTAAC has also advocated for multi-use path designs