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7 <br /> <br />review the high and low spots pertaining to connectivity. He said other systems are being <br />researched, and the wheels are in motion. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if OCS would please keep the County involved in, and <br />updated on, this process. <br />Steve Halkiotis said he spoke with the OCS Information Technology director, who <br />estimated that 30-35% of students do not have access to the Internet on a regular basis, which <br />is unacceptable in this day and age. He would like for all the boards to get an update from the <br />Information Technology heads throughout all systems in the County on improving this situation. <br />Commissioner Rich said that number seems higher than what she has heard, but all do <br />need to work together. She said this does not need to wait until the next joint meeting. <br />Commissioner Price said she has met with staff from Google, who wants to get in all the <br />rural counties in North Carolina, not just Chapel Hill. She said it may be worth following up <br />about this. <br />Commissioner Price referred to the school repairs, and asked if the schools will be at <br />least minimally safe upon the completion of the first phase. <br />Pam Jones said OCS is prioritizing the money where it sees the greatest needs, and <br />addressing safety issues quickly. She said other issues are longer term. She said the bond <br />money should allow the security of all buildings to be addressed at the same time, and access <br />control is the top priority. <br />Commissioner Price said there are some schools where one can come and go with <br />ease, due to open areas, and there are broken steps, which are dangerous. <br />Pam Jones said things like broken steps should be able to be addressed with recurring <br />capital and daily maintenance funds. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he and Commissioner Jacobs went to a Cooperative <br />Extension event last year, and learned about water catchment and reuse system at Stanford <br />Middle High. He asked if Cedar Ridge would be a good candidate for a similar system, given <br />the nearby catchment basin. <br />Pam Jones said OCS has not discussed this for Cedar Ridge, but can look at the <br />potential pond and irrigation use. <br />Commissioner Burroughs referred to the issue of student reassignment, and reiterated <br />the importance of looking at diversity. She said it seems to be a good time to look at this, and <br />while it is never easy, it is still the right thing to do. <br />Todd Wirt said last year the OCS BOE reviewed its policy around student reassignment. <br />He said the BOE reviewed policies across the state and nation, from schools that regularly did <br />reassignments, and are balancing diversity with efficiency and proximity. He said the BOE has <br />done a lot of good work in preparation. <br />Chair Dorosin said it would be great if OCS could share that with the BOCC. <br />Brenda Stephens said she was a part of the student reassignment last time, and OCS <br />always has diversity on the list, and it is a high priority. <br />Chair Dorosin asked if there is update on the Eno River charter school property that <br />OCS purchased. <br />Todd Wirt said OCS will be taking it over at the end of the school year, and delayed the <br />upfit of the building due to possibly needing to use the fund balance appropriation to balance <br />the budget. He said when this building does move forward, OCS will upfit the first building to <br />move central admin staff from Orange High School (OHS), in order to create one-stop shop for <br />parents, which will include child nutrition, afterschool services, enrollment services, translation, <br />etc. all in one building. He said this will also increase capacity at OHS. He said OCS is still in <br />discussions with the BOE regarding the use for the second building, but know that some work is <br />needed on the site as well as additional parking. <br />Chair Dorosin asked if there is an anticipated timeline.