Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> <br />• May 2: Chapel Hill High School Open House <br />• May 23: Town of Chapel Hill Public Hearing and Special Use Permit <br />• May 25: Special Board of Education Meeting to approve GMP and notice to Orange <br />County Finance Staff <br />• June 11: Commence construction <br />• December 2020: Project completion <br /> <br />Unfunded CIP Worksheet <br />• What is feasible with the remaining projects? <br />o Will there be additional $? <br />o Target date for additional funding? <br />o Focus only on broken infrastructure? <br />o Build new schools? Requires $$$$$ But where? <br />• Implement the plan to “escape” the perfect storm <br />o Older facilities in disrepair <br />o Newer facilities that have become older <br />o Class size mandate – need to meet in 2021 <br />o Few school sites remaining <br /> <br />Questions <br /> <br />Commissioner Jacobs referred to the custodial services, and asked if McDougal <br />elementary and middle are considered as one or two schools. <br />Todd LoFrese said for bid purposes, it is considered one school, but in tallying schools, <br />it is two schools. <br />Commissioner asked when Morris Grove opened. <br />Todd LoFrese said 2008. <br />Mark Marcoplos said he is bewildered by the cost of bringing the contracted services in <br />house. He said it may be helpful to have a separate meeting to discuss this topic further. <br />Chair Dasi said this is a legitimate topic for discussion, but if the schools cannot meet <br />basic needs, it may not be realistic to consider this proposition. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said it is a serious issue, and there is a moral imperative to <br />the employees. He said it is also an educational issue, and children should not be taught that it <br />is acceptable to hire people, but pay them less than their worth. <br />Chair Dasi said the same logic could be applied to teachers, who are not being paid <br />their worth. She questions whether custodial staff rises to the same level of priority. <br />Chair Dorosin agreed it is worth having a discussion. He said the current contract is <br />almost $1.4 million. <br />Todd LoFrese said that was the previous year’s contract, and the new contract is $1.6 <br />million. <br />Chair Dorosin said it is $1.6 million compared to potentially $3.2; although he is unclear <br />on how $3.2 million is reached, without knowing the number of custodians. <br />Todd LoFrese said he does not know the number of contracted services staff, and does <br />not know the contractor’s staffing model. He said the number in the column is based on <br />Department of Public Instruction (DPI) standards and recommendations for facility square <br />footage. He gave an example with Carrboro Elementary being $107,000, which is equal to 3 <br />custodians receiving a living wage, state health insurance, and retirement benefits. He said this <br />would allow for 3 employees to clean 60,000 square feet, and industry expectations are 18,000- <br />20,000 square feet per custodian.