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We believe that this range of residential products (four different types of housing opporhmities) <br />provides home ownership for a variety of price points, while also providing opportunity for <br />multi-generational sales (a family chooses to buy asingle-family home and a grandpazent <br />chooses to buy aChazleston-style home or a townhome unit). This blend of residential uses <br />should serve to create an exciting and dynamic neighborhood that provides healthy diversity for <br />the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Although portions of the site aze relatively flat, and we have sought to use these areas for the <br />Chazleston-style and townhome units, there aze aeeas where maintaining design guideline street <br />grades will necessitate tree removal. Accordingly, the developer, who appreciates the value of <br />trees and landscaping with regazd to the beauty and aesthetics of a neighborhood, proposes a <br />front yard replanting program in instances where no existing vegetation can be saved between <br />the house and the street on single-family lots. In addition, we envision that a street tree planting <br />program will be utilized in the Chazleston-style and townhome aeeas. <br />Finally, we note that approximately 30 percent of the site is protected as open space, including <br />the northwestern comer that includes steep slopes where the site drops down to Cates Creek and <br />the Eno River. The conceptual site plan respects these environmentally sensitive areas and does <br />not propose any development for this portion of the site, <br />Water Capacity Analysis <br />The Town's Updated Water Capacity Analysis for FYs 04-14 (see Attachment `C') includes this <br />site (identified as Map ID #10 - Prrmm Property) with a total of 250 dwelling units and 215,500 <br />square feet ofnon-residential square feet. (fur development program includes 250 dwelling units <br />(a density of 2.1 units per acre), a small clubhouse/recreation center with a pool, and a 20,000 <br />squaze foot mixed-use building. Consequently, we believe that we are right on target with the <br />number of residential dwelling units proposed on the site, and that there is still neazly 200,000 <br />squaze feet of non-residential space available for the approximately 30-acre mixed-use azea that <br />we have identified along the northern edge of the US 70-Business corridor (see Attachment `D'). <br />Therefore, we believe that this development program will be able to utilize existing water <br />capacity as foreseen by the Town's own analysis, and will provide additional in-town customers <br />who will be able to help offset the Town's Water/Sewer Fund expenses. <br />Concluding Thoughts <br />We believe that the conceptual development program for the US 70-Business Property site <br />presents a valuable oppornurity for the Town of Hillsborough to enhance the nature and character <br />of the US 70-Business entranceway corridor. In particulaz, we believe that this proposed <br />development would provide the opportunity for the Town to grow in a logical manner, placing <br />new residences in close proximity to several travel corridors (iJS 70, I-85, Durham Freeway) <br />while m;nimy~ing impacts on the congested Churton Street corridor. Furthermore, the Town has <br />the opportunity through this project to make a statement regarding the type of development the <br />Town would like to see adjacent to the northern edge of this eastern entranceway corridor. <br />Perhaps most importanfly however, this development represents a quality opportunity for the t <br />Town to increase its tax base and add in-town water customers with minimal additional Town <br />expense. <br />US 7D-Busineu Pmperiy-(:onceptual Development P`og~am <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />