Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3DCED2AE- 1328- 4DFA- A705- 5DB413904A33 <br />Attachment 1 <br />Scope for Historic Resources Book Project Phase 2: Editorial and Writing <br />Property Entries <br />Project overview for contract: <br />The Provider will provide professional writing and editorial services needed to produce revised <br />and edited property entries for 60% or approximately 150 historic properties for both rural <br />areas and Hillsborough selected for inclusion in the Orange County - Hillsborough Historic <br />Resources Book Project. <br />Work to be performed: <br />The Provider shall collaborate with DEAPR staff to perform the following services: <br />• Review existing written property entries generated in earlier phases of the project for <br />content and completeness <br />• Recommend areas where additional research is needed and convey research needs to <br />DEAPR staff <br />• Prepare draft revisions for each entry and submit to DEAPR staff and editorial consultant <br />for review <br />• Make revisions and submit final drafts to DEAPR in digital format <br />• DEAPR staff will review all rough and final drafts for content, style and accuracy. <br />DEAPR will provide the following: <br />• Draft and final property lists to be developed in consultation with the Provider as <br />needed to produce final lists of properties to be included in this phase of the project. <br />• Additional documentary research or background materials for each entry as needed, <br />subject to the limitations of available sources. <br />Schedule and Payment: <br />• Project work shall commence on or after May 2, 2018 and be completed by December <br />31, 2.018 <br />• Payment can be made on a progress basis as follows: the Contractor may submit an <br />invoice for $2,000 upon submittal of revised and updated recommended property lists. <br />Subsequent progress payments will be made upon satisfactory completion of groups of <br />finished property entries. <br />5 -2 -18 <br />