Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: C28BF39E- EOF1- 42FB- 9F5B- 93F375B7013B <br />Proposal for Construction and Materials Testing Services 1rerracon <br />Sportsplex Field House s 101 Meadowlands Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />February 20th, 2018 ■ Terracon Proposal No. 70171288 <br />as a result of volumetric changes in the soil due to variations in moisture content. <br />Additional exploration of these soils should be considered prior to construction. <br />A When prepared as described, we anticipate the site will be suitable for support of the <br />proposed structure on shallow foundations. Shallow foundations can be either isolated <br />column and wall footings or thickened sections of a monolithic slab with a net allowable <br />bearing pressure of 3,000psf. <br />2. Foundations & Reinforcing Steel Observations and Testing: <br />-1 Observe footing excavations relative to size, depth, and presence of unsuitable soils. <br />Perform Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing at individual shallow spread <br />column foundations and at 50 foot intervals along continuous shallow spread wall <br />foundations. Manually advance a steel probe between DCP intervals to determine if <br />additional DCP testing is necessary. Provide recommendations for conditions which <br />do not meet the requirements of the geotechnical report and project specifications. <br />-1 Observe the reinforcing steel placed for column and wall foundations and for the <br />building(s) area slab on- grade. Reinforcing steel will be observed for size, spacing, <br />lap splicing and cover. discrepancies will be brought to the attention of the Contractor's <br />site superintendent. <br />ZI Observe column anchor bolts for number, type, configuration, diameter, overall length, <br />embedded length and exposed length. <br />3. Reinforced Cast -in -Place Concrete Observations and Testing: <br />■ Review concrete batch tickets on site to verify compliance with the mix design <br />■ Sample fresh concrete and perform field tests including slump, air content and <br />temperature (ASTM C172, 04.143, 0173, and C1064). <br />■ Cast test specimens during placements at a rate of 1 set of 5 cylinders for each <br />50 cubic yards of structural concrete placed (ACI 318) using 4" x 8" molds. <br />■ Perform compressive strength tests of concrete test cylinders cast in the field per <br />ASTM C39. <br />■ Observe size, quantity, spacing, splice length, and cover of all steel reinforcing. <br />■ Inspect curing, cold weather protection and hot weather protection procedures. <br />Conduct floor flatness testing according to the project specifications if requested. <br />4. Structural Steel Observations: <br />Visually inspect all welds, and verify the size and length of fillet welds, <br />ZI Observe at least 100% of field welded connections for correct type, length, size and <br />location on a weekly basis during construction. <br />A Certify welders or document welder's certification. <br />Inspect the steel frame for compliance and member and connection placement. <br />A Material verification of high - strength bolts, nuts and washers <br />Shop inspections can be provided for an additional fee. However, this task is generally <br />omitted when the subcontractor can produce Proof of Certification by a national <br />Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 3 <br />